Family Issues: Chapter 21

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Right to it...sorry for the late upload!

Estelle POV

Things are great.

Totally awesome.

Completely fine. 

I am very lonely. 

Mom's out, Dad's dead, and Percy...well he's been gone for over seventy years.

Now Estelle wouldn't say she was depressed, just very lonely and extremely sad at times...but not depressed. 

Immortality was great! Not really.

Sighing Estelle flopped onto her bed, a large king-sized bed...all to herself. Getting out a book Estelle began flipping through Mysteries of the Modern Greco-Roman Era by Despoina (Goddess of Mysteries) 

(A/N and certain cults  but that's not important!)

This book was one of her favorites, though it was technically written by her step-sister, as Despoina was a daughter of Poseidon and Demeter, but Estelle had decided a while ago to not question the Olympian bloodline, it helped as if she was always serious about it she would never get a date...technically everyone here was her cousin, though not through genetics. 

Estelle loved mysteries, she didn't have a passion for cooking like her mom, for academics like her dad, or combat like her brother, she loved solving things. Sherlock Holmes had been a big thing for her. 

And she blamed her brother's disappearance for that, maybe she could find him if she tried hard enough.

Percy had been a big influence on her life, he had been an amazing big brother, visiting as much as possible, playing games, taking her to the park or a movie. And when he disappeared, it hit her hard. 

So now she reads about mysteries, tries to solve them in her head, something she thought she was pretty good at. 

And that was why she was kinda sorta maybe defiantly obsessed with Alkiviadis Soterios, a one-man army, someone who would bust in, leave a bunch of Demigods sitting at the walls of Camp Olympian, and disappear.

 She was addicted to figuring out who he was. Her Mom was convinced she had a crush on the guy, which she didn't, she wouldn't tell anyone, but she personally thought that Christopher Grace was a a cute way. 

So she sat there for a few hours reading...feeling lonely, not being depressed. When she heard the front door unlock. 

Quickly checking the time, Estelle realized that it was around when her mom got home, maybe a little later than usual. 

Entering the living room, and sitting on a couch close to the front door Estelle waited for her mother to come in. 

And she did...whilst in a conversation.

"So how's Thalia, she's still the lieutenant yes?" 

Mom stepped in, followed by a woman with silver eyes and auburn hair that Estelle would know anywhere. 


"Hello Estelle! How are you?"

"I'm good, are the hunters good?" 

" know my offer for you to join still stands" 

"Arty you know I'm not the 'running around the woods shooting stuff' type, I'd flop on my face, and then ask where the next vending machine was. To top that off, I'm worse than Percy was with a bow!" 

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