Welcome Home: Chapter 31

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Right to it! 

3rd Person

Zoe, Artemis, and Percy were walking out of the facility, they had gotten Zoe caught up on most things, a now had to reintroduce her to the hunt. 

As they left the lab's boundaries Artemis handed Zoe a blank white cloak, "Put this on, As of now, we don't want anyone seeing you just yet, spies or allies" 

"Why not?" 

"Because we don't know what the reaction of either would be," Percy said, his helmet now on. 

Nodding, Zoe threw the cloak on and lifted the hood over her head, the hood cast a shadow over most of her face, with only her mouth and chin being slightly visible.

"Alright just a bit further, then I can get us back to our quarters" 


"There are enchantments around this lab, making it impossible for someone to teleport any closer than forty meters away from the base, it's to stop an immortal from teleporting in and wrecking the place"

"Ah, okay, so we just have to get further out?"

"Yes, and we're almost there" 

The three eventually got far enough away from the lab, and after locking arms with each other, Artemis flashed them away. 


In a burst of silver, Percy, Artemis, and Zoe all arrived outside Hunter's quarters, it was the same as always, but no one was outside. 

Quickly, they all entered in and found the lights dark. 

Reacting instantly,  Percy drew out a sword, Artemis a dagger, and Zoe pulled out her pen. 

Just as they were done the lights came on. 

"SUPRISE!!" Came a monumentous shout.

The three new arrivals jumped as a pack of girls dressed in sliver pounced on them. 

Quickly Percy and Artemis got all the huggers off, "Now, now, Girls! What's all this for!" Artemis asked. 

"What do you mean what is it for?" Thalia asked, "Neither of you remembers your anniversary?" 

Percy and Artemis looked at each other, "Anniversary?" They both said, extremely puzzled. 

"Woah, Woah, hold up! What anniversary...Artemis and I have only been dating for like...six months...I think?" He looked at Artemis and she nodded, "Yeah, six months, it's not our anniversary yet!" 

"Well of course not Kelp Head, It's not your yearly anniversary, it's your six months anniversary!" 

Artemis looked confused, "Thalia...that's only half a year..."

"I know!" Thalia said, exasperated. 

Then she noticed the cloaked figure. 

"Okay, why is it that it's always us with the hooded people! Percy, Artemis, who is this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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