Prologue (Part 2)

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In the middle of a forest we see a portal open up with a low scream gradually getting louder and louder.


You come out of the portal and fall to the ground, not enough to really hurt you, but enough to get you to "oof" when you came into contact with it.

Y/n: *Stands up* Ooook that was... Wait... My voice is... Different? *Clears throat* Hello? (Oh yeah it's definitely different) Let's see here. I spawned in the middle of the forest? Eh, at least it's better than spawning in the middle of the ocean.

You started your "New World Routine" that consisted of getting wood, making a crafting table, kill some mobs for food, and went on to find a mine when you got a considerable amount of food.

Y/n: I should probably see what I look like in my reflection on the water before I start mining... Hmm

You made your way to a pond and you saw your reflection. You were shocked to say the least.

Y/n: I'm... Steve? Ok, my arms looking round and not blocky is one thing, but looking like Minecraft Steve is another thing.

God: {I take it you like the new look?}

Y/n: GAH!! G-God? Where are you?

God: {I am speaking to you telepathically, remember I said "I'd keep in touch"?}

Y/n: Oh yeah... I forgot about that. So why do I look like Steve? Not that I'm complaining or anything but I thought I'd look the same to be honest.

God: {Well this is Minecraft so I thought it'd be fitting for you.}

Y/n: Oh, uhhh... Thanks I guess... Soo what kind of boosts did you give me?

God: {Eh? Oh! Um... Ahem, you can choose specific enchantments for your weapons and armor in the enchantment table, and have no limit to how many enchantments you can put on your weapons and armor. You also receive a permanent critical hit boost whenever you sneak attack someone, run and hit someone, or leap and hit someone. You can also see yourself in 3rd person whenever you want, you just have to close your eyes and focus then you'll be able to see in 3rd person view, to look around you just face your head towards the direction you want to look, you can also become dead silent if you crouch. Whenever you carry a map, it doesn't matter if you made it or not, your current coordinates will appear on the top right of the map, but only you can see them. You don't suffer from fatigue, lack of sleep, or dehydration, you only suffer from hunger. You can also cancel any effects by drinking milk, you can see how much oxygen you have left when you're underwater, and you can also see how much time is left for your potion effect.}

Y/n: Wait, everything other than the first four boosts sound like things you could do in the game already, how are they considered boosts?

God: {Well this is reality, you don't have all these things in this world because this is real not a game. In the game you have all of these because you are playing a fake artificial world with no consequences with how the human body works. Now listen closely, this Minecraft world you are in is set in what you would call a console world or the console era, it doesn't have the new biomes, mobs, tools, etc. However that does not mean that they can't be made or discovered, in the real Minecraft world you don't get updates with new tools, biomes, or mobs... You have to discover the crafting recipes by experimenting and trying to make something new, but you have memorized all the crafting recipes in the updated Minecraft as well and therefore already know these tools exist while other people don't. The biomes though are a different story, the world is a big place and hasn't been completely explored yet and because of that the new biomes that appear in the updated Minecraft have not been discovered and therefore have not been heard of yet, the same goes for the new biomes in the Nether, and the End. As for the newer mobs, they have not been discovered yet because they don't just spawn in at night or just spawn in at random, they can only be found in certain parts of the world in specific biomes because the mobs in this world don't spread all around the world, they have the tendency to just stick in the regions they live in because they have no desire of expanding further around the world, and those that do, do so at a rather slow pace, they've yet to be discovered of course, but they do exist and can be found. Another thing to mention too is that some stunts you would do in the game are harder to pull off in this world, or just can't be done at all, for example: it is harder to pull off the water bucket stunt where you survive a long fall to the ground by placing water down just before you hit the ground, saving yourself from a long fall by sitting on a horse, boat, or, minecart can no longer be done. Also note that you can feel pain here, so don't try fighting an iron golem just for iron. You can also make potions that are in the up-to-date Minecraft as well, just wanted to get that out considering you know all potion recipes. And before you ask, yes you can make netherite tools and armor.}

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