Episode 4: A Block and a Hard Place. Chapter 3

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We continue right where we left off, in the swamp biome with Jesse, and the gang riding horses through the biome. Everyone, but you, was exhausted. (Olivia was alone in one horse while you were still resting your head on Petra's back. The others didn't change positions though.)

Petra: My butt's never been so sore in my life...

Olivia: *Sigh* It feels like we've been riding forever...

Y/n: *Cough* Three days, actually. *cough*

Soren: I am telling you, Ivor, we cannot go to the Far Lands!

The moment you heard Soren mention the Far Lands your head perked up, and you looked over Petra's shoulder.

Soren: They're not just the edge of our world, but the limits of our comprehension!

Ivor: Oh, please... the Far Lands are a happy accident. Nature's way of keeping life interesting.

Soren: No, no, no! They are perilous, and unpredictable! Perlin noise, floating points... These are not matters to be toyed with!

You got out a golden apple, and ate it so it would be easier to talk.

Y/n: Are you two talking about the Far Lands?!

Ivor looked back towards you.

Ivor: Why, yes. My laboratory is in the Far Lands after all.

Y/n: Awesome! I've always heard about the Far Lands before, and now I get to see it with my own eyes! I can't wait!

Ivor: Haha! Well get ready, Y/n. What you'll see will blow you away!

Soren: This is not something to be excited about you two! It's far too dangerous, and to make matters worse we don't fully know what lies in there! The laboratory could be gone for all we know!

Jesse: Hold on, back up. What exactly are the Far Lands?

You, Ivor, and Soren looked at Jesse with confused faces.

Y/n: ... You're, uh... You're joking right?

Jesse: I wish I was...

Soren: I-... *Sigh* The Far Lands lie at the very edge of all things, where logic gives way to chaos.

Y/n: Oh c'mon, Soren! You cannot tell me that doesn't sound cool!

Ivor: See? Y/n thinks the Far Lands are cool.

Soren: They're a dangerous place to visit! And a ridiculous place to construct a laboratory!

Ivor: Just wait until you see it.

Olivia: Do those two never stop arguing?

Petra: I don't know, I'm too hungry to care.

Jesse: Yeah... I'm starving.

Olivia: We all are...

Petra: Hey, Y/n? Do you have anymore steak left?

Y/n: Nope. You guys ate it all... All I have now are three g- *cough* thr- *cough* *cough* three golden apples...

Jesse: Aw, man...

Olivia looked down towards the ground with doubt, and spoke up.

Olivia: Maybe we should turn back?

Nothing Built can Last Forever... But Your Imagination canजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें