Episode 3: The Last Place You Look. Chapter 2

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This chapter starts off in the End where we can see Jesse appear in thin air a block or two above ground and landed on her feet. When Jesse was in the End she looked around amazed at how the End looked.

Jesse: Woah...

Moments later you appeared two blocks above ground next to her, landed on your feet, and had a bit of a confused look on your face because of how different the End looked compared to how they usually look.

Y/n: This is *cough* *cough* this is different.

Lukas then appeared out of thin air as well with the amulet in his hand. He had a shocked expression when he saw the End.

Lukas: Oh. Great. It just keeps getting better.

Then Petra, Olivia, and Reuben appeared out of thin air and landed next to your guys, but Olivia looked around a bit confused.

Olivia: Where's Axel? He was right behind me.

Axel then appeared out of thin air above Lukas and landed on him. This caused Lukas to drop the amulet. You and the others saw this happen while Jesse made her way towards the amulet.

Axel: I swear, I'm not trying to do that.

Lukas: *Groan* Get off.

Axel got off of Lukas, and Jesse picked up the amulet. Jesse then faced Lukas who sat up straight, but when Lukas looked forward past Jesse he was very scared and covered his eyes.

Lukas: O-oh, jeez. Oh man...Wh- I-I uh...

Jesse: Are you hurt?

Lukas: What? No, I'm not hurt! J-just look! *Points*

You, and the others looked at the direction where Lukas was pointing, but almost instantly looked away when they saw the insane amount of endermen present. Jesse turned around once again, but she covered her eyes when she nearly made eye contact with an enderman nearby.

Jesse: 'Hide!'

The others then closed their eyes, except for you who just avoided looking at the endermen. Jesse then ran behind what's left of an obsidian pillar and the others followed. Once you were all behind the pillar you, Jesse, Lukas, and Petra peaked around the pillar and made sure not to make eye contact with the endermen.

Lukas: 'So, uh... what do we call that? A "herd" of endermen? A flock of endermen? A swarm?

Y/n: 'I'm pretty sure it's called a haunting.'

Olivia: 'We might want to hold off on the grammar lessons until later.'

Jesse: 'Call it whatever you want. As long as we don't look at them we'll be fine.'

Olivia: 'Which way are we headed Jesse?'

Jesse smirks, and pulls out the amulet. The light of the amulet shined brightly, but almost immediately turned off. Jesse's smirk disappeared and she was now shaking the amulet a bit to see if it would turn back on, but no luck.

Petra: Stuff like that doesn't work in the Nether... probably not the End, either.

Y/n: Well ain't that a darn shame.

Lukas then laughed hysterically and faced the others.

Lukas: Great. Whoo, man. So we were trapped, and now we're lost.

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