Episode 4: A Block and a Hard Place. Chapter 1

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Jesse: Previously on Nothing Built can Last Forever, but Your Imagination can...

Narrator: Everything in this universe starts out as just a block. What comes of those blocks is up to those who wield them... And in every block there lies the potential to create, or destroy... Our friends have traveled far, and wide in search of the Order of the Stone, and for a way to stop the Wither Storm for good, but even well laid plans can go awry... The strong can grow weak, and although the battle was lost... some glimmer of hope may remain. However, the threat to this world, to its very existence... is far from over.

(Play music)

This episode begins right where we left off with the Wither Storm up again, and wreaking havoc. People were running away in panic as you were still on your knee, looking at your hand with blood on it. Jesse, and Reuben were beside you. Reuben was scared, and Jesse had a worried look on her face.

Y/n: Blood..?

Jesse: Are you ok?!

You stopped looking at your hand, and looked up towards Jesse.

Y/n: *Gets up* I'm- *cough* I- *cough* *cough*

You full on one knee again, and covered your mouth. Jesse was about to speak up, but she heard someone yell out your names.


Jesse looked back, and saw Axel in the distance. Jesse looked back at you with a determined look on her face. You, on the other hand, removed your hand from your mouth, and saw even more blood. You decided to wipe off the blood onto your pants because it would be harder to notice.

Jesse: Come on, I'm gonna get you out of here!

Jesse grabbed onto your arm, and pulled you up on your feet.

Y/n: Huh?

Jesse then began to ran towards Axel while still holding onto your arm. Instead of being dragged, you decided to run with her. Reuben followed you both.



Axel looked towards you guys, and saw the three of you running towards him. Once you reached him Jesse let go of your arm.

Axel: Guys! You're okay!


You all looked at the three WitherStorms, and saw them all form three heads each. One of the Storm's noticed you, and grew angry.


Jesse: We need to get out of here, now!

Axel: This way!

Axel ran away, and Jesse, and Reuben followed. You followed them too, but you were a bit behind. As you followed them you looked back at the Storm that saw you, and noticed a burning wither skull coming towards you. You dodged it by jumping to the right. The skull left a crater, and you picked up the pace, and made it behind a small hill that Axel led you to. Everyone else was there hiding behind the hill.

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