Episode 2: Assembly Required. Chapter 3

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This chapter begins in Ellegaard's laboratory where we can see Jesse and the others flipping switches and gathering materials for the crafting table. Once the materials were gathered, they all made their way to the four crafting tables. Ellegaard put her items on one of the crafting tables and so did Jesse, after that it was Petra, but when Olivia was making her way to the crafting table she tripped and dropped the items. Ellegaard shakes her head, but continues with the next step anyways.

Ellegaard: Ok, in order for this to work we'll have to activate those buttons *points* and that switch *point* in the correct order.

Petra: What order is the right order?

Ellegaard: Don't worry Bandana Girl, you just go to the button on the right. Goggle Girl, you go the button on the left, and you, Non-Goggle Girl, will be the one to activate the switch. Got that everyone?

Jesse: Yup.

Petra: Can do.

Olivia: Yes ma'am.

Ellegaard: Great! Now get in position everyone! I'll give each of you the signal to activate them.

All 3: Right!

They all go to the buttons/switch Ellegaard told them to go to and wait for Ellegaard's signal, meanwhile Reuben was sitting it the middle of the room. Once everyone was in position Ellegaard gave Olivia the signal to activate her button first. Olivia pressed the button, and when that was done Ellegaard gave Petra the signal to activate her button. Petra pushed the button and Ellegaard gave Jesse the signal to pull the switch where Jesse pulled the switch immediately. The switch activated the sticky pistons attached to the crafting tables which ended up pushing them all together towards the empty space in the center. This causes a command block to slowly faze into existence in the empty space. Everyone looked at the block in excitement thinking that it was really going to work... only for it to faze back out of existence, and the sticky pistons to pull back the crafting tables. Everyone was a bit disappointed, but they all looked at each other and gave a nod of determination. Everyone then got ready to go through the same process of gathering materials, putting them in the crafting table, and trying again.

*Meanwhile with you*

You were currently getting ready to teach Lucas how to fire a bow properly. Lukas was sitting in a chair and you were standing a few blocks in front of him.

Y/n: *Clap* So. Welcome to "How to Bow 101." I will be teaching you how to properly use a bow, starti-

Lukas: Woah, Wait. Do we have to do this? Can't you just give me some pointers to get better? Why do I have to take a whole class?

Y/n: Do you want to get better at using a bow?

Lukas: *Sigh* Yes.

Y/n: Then listen up! I will teach you how to use a bow, starting with properly pulling the arrow back.

Lukas: Ok. *Stands up* Doesn't seem too hard. What do I need to know?

Y/n: Well, for starters, you need to know how far back you need to pull the arrow if you want to get the arrow to at least hit something.

You pull out your bow, and an arrow. You then faced one of the walls in the temple.

Y/n: For example.

You pull the arrow a little bit back and release. This caused the arrow to only go two blocks forward. Even though you were trying to give Lukas an example, Lukas was more distracted at the fact that your arrow was on fire.

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