Episode 0: Wait, What? Chapter 2

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     We continue a few minutes later from when you began walking up the stairs.

Y/n: (Jeez, there's a lot of stairs... Thank God I don't suffer from fatigue... Wait... Call God.)

God: {... Ah Y/n you called, what'd you find in that mansion?}

Y/n: {Well I found a few vindicators, an Evoker, a secret lair and....}

God: {... And?}

Y/n: {And, oh you know... found a weird and new portal I've never seen before, a weird enchanted flint and steel that I used to activate the portal and went through the portal which is why I'm currently walking up a bunch of stairs.}

God: {...}

Y/n: {I was hoping you could explain to me what this portal lead to and where I am.}

God: {...}

Y/n: {God?}

God: (OH DEAR ME I DID NOT EXPECT HIM TO FIND AN OLD BUILDER PORTAL THIS FAST! I at least thought he would meet Jesse and the gang before meeting the old builders! Not the other way around! Wait... I can tell him that this world has a history like any world with life in it! I can tell him something that is still technically the truth!) {Well there's a bit more history in this Minecraft world than there is in your normal Minecraft world.}

Y/n: {History? What history?}

God: {Well, you know how the stronghold, abandoned mines, and temples are in the game?}

Y/n: {Yeah?}

God: {Well since this world is real there is actual history to it. For example: the stronghold doesn't just generate randomly, it was built a long time ago by people we don't know of. The portal you found must've been a piece of forgotten history that the illagers were trying to figure out for their own benefits.}

Y/n: {Well... That makes sense, but why did the portal seem familiar? I feel like I've seen that portal somewhere before...}

God: {Maybe you did, maybe you didn't. This is a real Minecraft world so it may also contain properties of Minecraft that you may not have seen in a while.}

Y/n: {I guess you're right...}

God: (Nice! He bought it!)

Y/n: {Well since you're here, can I ask you something?}

God: {Sure, what is it?}

Y/n: {If I don't suffer from fatigue does that mean I'm immune to soul sand?}

God: {Well... You don't get tired at all when in soul sand.}

Y/n: {Ok... I think that was all I wanted to ask, bye God.}

God: {Bye Y/n.}

Y/n: (Man this is weird... Everything here is just floating, and there doesn't seem to be any sign of solid ground here... Hmm... I think I'm nearing the end of these stairs.)

When you reached the top of the stairs you were confused. The stairs stop when you reach two doors and when you opened them there was nothing, you didn't know if there was something at the bottom or not because it was too foggy to even see 3 blocks in front of you. You began to wonder if you should jump with water bucket in hand, or go back down the stairs and through the portal.

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