Episode 0: Wait, What? Chapter 4

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We begin this chapter with Y/n following Otto to the new portal that has been made.

Y/n: Hey Otto.

Otto: Yes Y/n?

Y/n: Before this manhunt game begins can I ask a favor of you?

Otto: Well it depends on what the favor is.

Y/n: It's nothing crazy, I just want to ask you to hold my gear for me and give it back to me when I win this manhunt game.

Otto: I can do that, but are you really sure that you can do this?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Otto: Well you're going to have to kill the Ender Dragon, that alone would get anyone nervous, but not only are you going to fight the Ender Dragon, you are going to do so while three people are trying to hunt you down and try to stop you from winning the game. You are also only going to have one day to get to the End and kill the Ender Dragon.

Y/n: One day? That's fine.

Otto: Fine? You're not even the slightest bit worried about the situation?

Y/n: You want me to be completely honest with you?

Otto: Yes, I would like that.

Y/n: I am not the slightest bit worried about my situation, I have played this game multiple times with some friends of mine, friends that happen to be very skilled in combat, alchemy, crafting, and enchanting. In the other times I've played this game with them I've gone to the End and killed the Ender Dragon in less than a day on multiple occasions. I also highly doubt that anyone you pick from here is nearly as good as my old friends in any of those categories.

Otto: ...

Y/n: You gonna say anything?

Otto: How could you do this multiple times?

Y/n: What?

Otto: Every world only has one End and one Ender Dragon. So how can you do this multiple times?

Y/n: ... That I can't tell you... Sorry.

Otto: I see...

Y/n: Who am I going up against anyway?

Otto: You'll be introduced to them when we meet up with Hadrian and Mevia, but their names are Lynn, John, and Folke.

*Meanwhile with Hadrian*

Hadrian: Grrrr, WHAT'S TAKING SLAB SO LONG?!?!

Mevia: He'll be here momentarily Hadrian, be patient.

*Slab enters the portal room with three people*

*Slab enters the portal room with three people*

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