Episode 2: Assembly Required. Chapter 1

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Jesse: Previously on Nothing Built can Last Forever, But Your Imagination can...

Narrator: Heroes can come from unlikely beginnings, while few were born to hold the mantle of hero... Broken friendships can lead to dark rivalries. When the world is in danger, fate calls on the ordinary to do extra-ordinary deeds... While the rest would go on journeys they had only dreamed of... You would stay behind to help the rest... Our heroes, thrown together by fate... must now seek help from a legendary inventor, and you will do what you can to get to them. While they would help Gabriel the Warrior in reuniting the others, one question remains... Will it be enough to save the world? Only time will tell...

This episode begins with Jesse, Petra, Olivia, and Reuben using the minecart rails to get to the redstone engineer known as Ellegaard. While on the minecart rails Olivia was looking at them in astonishment. (Petra is first at the front, second is Reuben, third is Jesse, and at the end is Olivia.)

Olivia: This is so cool! The amount of engineering it must've taken to do this... Automated train tracks running all through the Nether? Connecting all the different Order members? And imagine the scaffolding you'd need to make all this! Ellegaard was probably fighting off zombie pigmen with one hand, wiring redstone with the other...

Jesse: This is impressive! Thanks to these rails, we'll be there in no time!

Petra: Hey, you two. We're going to the Order for a reason remember? If we don't get the Order back together, the Wither Storm is going to eat everything.

Jesse: Yeah, you're right about that... but don't worry Petra. We're going to get Ellegaard, get her to help us, and we're going to save the world.

Petra: I hope you're right...

Olivia: Yeah, we definitely stand a better chance with Ellegaard's help.

Petra: Uh, guys?! We have company!

Jesse, Olivia, and Reuben looked at the end of the tunnel and saw a Ghast. Before they could do anything the ghast shot a fireball at them. The fireball missed, but it hit the ground right behind them exploding on impact. The carts were caught in the blast radius, which led to them getting derailed, and Jesse and the others falling off their carts.


Jesse: AHHH!

Reuben: *SQUEAL!*

Petra: WOAH!

Jesse, Olivia, and Reuben fall flat on the ground, while Petra bent her knees and rolled on the ground to reduce the fall damage.

Jesse: Ow, ow, ow, ow!

Olivia: Owww.

They got back up on their feet.

Petra: You guys alright?

Before they can answer, a different ghast caught their attention.

Jesse: Hide!

The ghast fired a fireball at them, but they managed to dodge and get behind some soul sand.

Petra: Great, more ghasts.

Jesse looked around for the minecarts they were in to see if they were still alright. Jesse then noticed the minecarts slowly going over a cliff.

Jesse: The minecarts!

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