Episode 1: The Order of the Stone. Chapter 6

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This chapter begins in your house where you had just woken up the moment the sun started rising.

Y/n: *Yawn* Time to get the day started.

You looked through your inventory to check if you had everything you need. Once you saw that you had everything you made your way to the door to your room. Reaching the door handle with your left hand you noticed something in the corner of your eye. You looked at the cut the Wither Storm gave you yesterday, and you noticed that it was a bit worse than yesterday.

Y/n: (Crap... I do have the Wither sickness...)

You walked to the chest in your room and looked through it.

Y/n: Where is it... Ah, here we go.

You pulled out a long sleeved gray shirt from the chest.

Y/n: This'll do.

You took off your blue shirt and put on the grey long sleeved shirt from the chest. You got the blue shirt and put it over the grey shirt, basically just using the grey shirt as an undershirt.

Y/n: (Good thing I bought this shirt... I still wonder how that wandering trader found this place.)

Once you were done you left your room and saw some beds scattered around the third floor, but they were empty.

Y/n: (Did they leave?)

You went towards the trap door that leads to the second floor. Once you climbed down to the second floor you saw some more beds scattered around, and two people sitting on the couch next to the window. One of them noticed you.

???7: Hey, you! You're finally awake!

Y/n: Yes, I am. What're you doing up this early?

???: We all decided to get up early to say goodbye before you left.

Aiden: Can you guys be quiet?!

You all looked at Aiden and saw him still laying in one of the beds that were scattered around the second floor.

???: 'Well... most of us anyway.'

Y/n: 'Ok, well thanks... I guess. I'll be going now.'

Both: 'Bye!'

You finally made your way down to the first floor, while walking down the stairs you heard some people chatting. It sounded like it was coming from the living room.

Y/n: (It sounds like a group of people.)

You walked quietly down the stairs and when you got down far enough you saw seven people in the living room. You peaked your head around the corner some more and noticed four people in the kitchen. You weren't really planning on chatting with eleven people so you tried to sneak out through one of the back doors, but someone noticed you, more specifically... Maya.

Maya: Y/n! You're awake!

You flinched and stopped in your tracks when she called you out. After a moment you took a deep breath in and turned around.

Y/n: Yup... I'm awake. So, you guys wanted to say goodbye?

Maya: That, and some people just wake up early

You walk towards the living room, and so do the people in the kitchen now that you were there.

???2: We also wanted to thank you for saving us.

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