Episode 3: The Last Place You Look. Chapter 5

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We begin this chapter in the stronghold portal room where we can see the group coming out of the portal. First was Axel, then Lukas, Olivia, Petra, and Soren. Right after them you, and Jesse were launched put of the portal.

Jesse: Gah!

Y/n: Whoa!

You both landed on the floor, but neither of you stuck the landing. Jesse landed on her back, and you landed face first.

Jesse: *Groan* *gets up* *takes off mask* We made it!

Soren: "Making it" is relative...

Y/n: *Muffled groan*

Jesse looked down and saw you on the ground face first.

Jesse: Y/n! Are you okay?

Y/n: *Muffled words*

Axel: ... What?

Y/n: *Rolls to one side* I-*cough* I said I'm fine. (That hurt...) *Gets up* Definitely the first time I've fallen face first though... Not a great experience.

Axel: Heh.

You were about to take the pumpkin off of your head. You put your hands on the pumpkin, and were about to take it off, but before you could an arrow hit you on your right forearm.

(Play music)

Y/n: Gah!

Olivia: Y/n!

Petra: Look out! *Equips sword*

You all looked towards the next room and saw a group of hostile mobs made up of thirteen zombies, five skeletons, and two cave spiders. Three of the zombies were currently closing in on the portal room.

Jesse: Oh, come on! *Equips sword*

Y/n: *Sigh* *Equips sword*

You, Jesse, and Petra made your way towards the zombies, and each of you took on one zombie each. Jesse was dealing with the zombie on the left, you were dealing with the one in the middle, and Petra was dealing with the one on the right. Jesse swung her sword at her zombie, and knocked it down, once it was down she stabbed it in the head, killing it, and causing it to poof out of existence. You held your sword with your left hand, and let the zombie get close, once it was close enough you stabbed the zombie in the chest before it could hit you, killing it, and caused it to poof out of existence. Petra dealt with her zombie by hitting the zombie with two heavy swings which killed it, and poofed it out of existence. You all looked ahead ready for more, but what you didn't expect was for the five skeletons to create a firing line, and have their bows ready to fire.

Y/n: Take cover!

Everyone took cover as the skeletons began to fire their arrows, while you began to block, and deflect the arrows. Jesse, Reuben, and Olivia took cover behind the wall on the left, and Petra, Soren, Lukas, and Axel took cover behind the wall on the right. Once they were behind cover you began to slowly make your way towards Jesse as you kept on blocking the arrows. After a few moments you reached the wall, but just before you could get behind it another arrow hit you, but this time it hit you on your right shoulder.

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