Episode 0: Wait, What? Chapter 1

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We start this chapter off in the middle of the forest where you have been exploring in your enchanted iron armor, you decided to take iron instead of diamond if you were going to go looking for a village to trade your loot, but you haven't had luck finding any village what's however.

Y/n: *groan* (Why is it so hard to find a village?! It's not like I'm trying to find the stronghold!)

You have been exploring for a day or so trying to find a village without resting, you decided to explore the entirety of your first map to see if there would be a village at least in the same map as your house, but there wasn't any so you made a new map and decided to explore at the part of the world above your first map, you explored that entire map and there was no village what's however. You were currently on your third map exploring the part of the world on the right of your second map.

Y/n: (Might as well ask God a few things while I'm exploring.) Hey God... *Silence* Uhhh... Hmm... Call God.

God: {... Oh hello Y/n. What is it you need?}

Y/n: Hi God. I just wanted to ask you something.

God: {What is it? Also you don't have to speak out loud to talk to me, you talk to me telepathically as well.}

Y/n: Really? Ok then... {Uhhhh... am I doing this right?}

God: {Yes you are. Now what was it you wanted to ask?}

Y/n: {Are all mobs round and not blocky?}

God: {Not all of the mobs are round, most of them are still blocky}

Y/n: {Not all of them? Which ones are blocky and which ones aren't?}

God: {Well almost all mobs are blocky, the only ones that are round are the animals.}

Y/n: {So only the animals are round? Nothing else?}

God: {Yes, only the animals. Other mobs like the Enderman, zombies, illagers, skeletons, villagers, guardians, etc. are blocky.}

Y/n: {If only the animals are round won't the villagers look at me weird?}

God: {Erm, well no not exactly...}

Y/n: {What do you mean?}

God: {Well, umm.... Huh? What's that over there!?}

Y/n: {Hey! Why are you trying to change the subje-}

You were cut off when you focused more on what was ahead of you, it seem there was an abandoned mansion of sorts.

You were cut off when you focused more on what was ahead of you, it seem there was an abandoned mansion of sorts

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(Imagine it surrounded by lots of trees)

Y/n: Woooaaaaahhh, (I've never seen a mansion like that before.) {God I'll talk to you later, I'm gonna explore this mansion for a bit}

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