Episode 0: Wait, What? Chapter 6

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We start this chapter in the nether where you are currently dealing with some hostile mobs.

You were currently engaged in combat with the two wither skeletons, they were both currently attacking you at the same time but they weren't as coordinated as the hunters were so it was relatively easy to deal with them. One wither skeleton was to your left while the other was to your right, the one on your left swung at diagonally from the top, you dodged this by leaning back as to where it just barely grazed your armor. Once you regained balance you punched the wither skeleton away, but when you did that you had to immediately dodge a vertical swing from above you that came from the other wither skeleton. You got into a bit of a fix as you were now just blocking and parrying it's attacks as you were backing away slowly from the incoming magma cube.

(The annoying three

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(The annoying three.)

Y/n: (Jeez, for a mob with no muscles they can hit really hard.)

The wither skeleton that you punched away seemed to have regained it's footing and was currently making it's towards you to help the other skeleton in killing you. You saw both the wither skeleton, and the magma cube were getting closer to you, and you were currently thinking of a way to kill the wither skeleton that was attacking you at the moment so that you can have less to worry about, but you were taken out of your thoughts when you heard a scream from behind you. You looked behind you to see that both of the ghasts have sent a fire charge towards you, you turned back around parried a swing from the wither skeleton to the ground, after that you made a full 360 spin where as you spun around you swung both of the fire charge's back towards one ghast which killed it upon impact, and when you turned back around you decapitated the wither skeleton. The other wither skeleton was closing in fast, but before he got close enough you decided to shoot a few arrows at the magma cube which ended up breaking the magma cubes into smaller cubes. You then switched back to the sword and went forward to the wither skeleton and attacked it directly. You hit it's right arm which led to it only being able to swing with one arm, and that made it's strikes weaker and slower. You heard the last ghast scream which meant that a fire charge was heading your way, the wither skeleton swung down towards you and you decided to swing towards it's sword, you swung hard enough for it to get the stone sword out of it's hand disarming it, once that happened you turned around and hit the fire charge back at the ghast. The fire charge didn't kill the ghast, but it did damage it, you then turned back around and stabbed the wither skeleton in its skull, your sword went through the front of the skull and exited through the back of it. You then saw the medium sized magma cubes coming towards you, there were four in total so you decided to use your bow to kill them, when you equipped your bow you put four arrows on it and pulled back as hard as you can, you then let go of the arrows and each arrow made their target which was one magma cube each, and since you pulled back all the way the arrows killed them in one hit, but they then broke up into smaller pieces. You then went on to poke each small magma cube with your sword killing them and leaving no trace of them other than the magma cream they dropped. You were picking up the magma cream and while you were doing so you heard the ghast scream again. This time however, you hit the fire charge back at the ghast without turning around or looking, you then heard an explosion followed by a scream, you turned around and saw nothing that remained of the ghast.

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