Episode 3: The Last Place You Look. Chapter 6

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This chapter begins with you, Jesse, and the others going through the tunnel in high speeds on minecarts. Jesse, and Reuben were in the front, then it was you, then Petra, Axel, Olivia, Lukas, and Soren. Everyone were trying to get themselves prepared for the fight against the Wither Storm by either checking their weapon or getting prepared mentally. You, on the other hand decided to chat with someone.

Y/n: (Call God)

God: {... Ah! Hello, Y/n! It's been a while.}

Y/n: {Been a while? It's only been an hour, and a half since the last time we talked.}

God: (Yeah, well it was a lot longer for others...) {Well, an hour, and a half still qualifies as a while.}

Y/n: {I guess...}

God: {So, what did you want to talk about?}

Y/n: {I have a few questions, and I wanted to let you know that I'm currently on my way to fight the Wither Storm with the others.}

God: {That's good. How are you holding up with the sickness?}

Y/n: {Not too good. I feel terrible to be completely honest, and everyone else knows I have the sickness now too.}

God: {Yeah, I kinda figured. You can't really hide it when you're that pale.}

Y/n: {Gee, thaaanks.}

God: {What? I'm just being honest.}

Y/n: {Moooving on. When will the sickness stop getting worse?}

God: {Eh, give it another hour or two, then it'll stop getting worse. Just know that even if it stops getting worse it will still hurt a lot... also keep in mind that soon there will now be consequences if you push yourself too hard.}

Y/n: {Consequences? What kind of consequences?}

God: {Well... Hopefully, you won't find out. 'But knowing you, you probably will...'}

Y/n: {You do realize that I can hear you loud and clear when you whisper, right?}

God: {...}

Y/n: {God?}

God: {... What were your questions?}

Y/n: {Eheh, you- hehe you do know you were still talking to me telepathically righ-?}

God: {What were your questions, Y/n?}

Y/n: {Hehe, well for my first question I wanted to ask how are other people, besides me, still able to carry heavy blocks, or stacks? Like iron blocks. I'm pretty sure that is very heavy.}

God: {Well, everyone has an inventory, Y/n. The weight of the blocks only really exist when you hold them in your hand. That's why people in this world take a lot longer to build. They prefer to take out one block at a time rather than carry a whole stack in their hand. Another thing to note is that everyone else only has half of the inventory slots you do. The only way they can get more inventory slots is if they get a backpack or something like that.}

Y/n: {Good to know...}

God: {What's your next question?}

Y/n: {I also wanted to ask what kind of music exists in this world.}

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