Episode 3: The Last Place You Look. Chapter 3

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This chapter begins with you, Jesse, Olivia, and Reuben walking into the room that the music was coming from. As you all entered the room you all looked around for any sign of Soren. Then you all heard a voice.

???: And I call that one, "Symphony in E." A new composition to celebrate my newest discovery!

Jesse, and Olivia looked at each other.

Olivia: That's him!

Jesse: Soren!

Jesse, and Olivia then ran towards the direction the voice was coming from while you just walked over to them. Once they found where the voice was coming from they were disappointed. It was just a recording of Soren talking.

Olivia: What the?

Jesse: It's just a recording!

Olivia: After all that! He's not even here?! We came all this way, and for what? We're no closer to Soren than before...

Y/n: Don't think like that, Olivia. Besides, there's no way this record turned on by itself.

Olivia: Huh, good point. I guess he really likes the sound of his own voice, then.

Jesse: Hmm... Maybe there's something useful in this record... if we can figure out what he's talking about...

You all then listened closely to the recording.

Recording: I've worked up a simple set of building instructions to... inspire them.

Reuben: *Oink?*

Recording: I will disguise myself and hide among them in order to observe them more closely.

Jesse then faced you, and Olivia.

Jesse: Huh, "hide among them?" Hide among who?

Olivia then looked outside the window, and something came to mind.

Olivia: Uh... guys? Do you think Soren is talking about them? *Points*

You, Jesse, and Reuben looked towards where Olivia was pointing and saw the endermen outside through the window.

Olivia: Then again, everything else about this guy has been pointing to crazy...

Y/n: That guy most definitely has a death wish if that's the case...

Jesse: I guess everybody needs hobbies. Even if they are really, really, really dangerous. You think he's actually training endermen to build stuff?

Olivia: I think he thinks he's training endermen to build stuff.

Y/n: (I wonder how long it'll take for him to realize he can't train endermen...)

Jesse: Let's look around... See what we can find out.

The four nodded to each other and split up. Olivia made her way to a chest on the right side of the room and began looking through it. Reuben made his way towards an armor stand with a strange suit on display. You made your way towards the purple window and looked out and saw about forty endermen outside. You avoided eye contact, but you didn't look away. Jesse, on the other hand, was still standing near the jukebox, she then noticed a few other discs in frames above the jukebox. Out of curiosity she grabbed one and read the title.

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