Episode 4: A Block and a Hard Place. Chapter 2

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We begin this chapter with the group entering a cave to rest. The horses were put behind some fences at the entrance. You all then made your way deeper into the cave to rest.

Jesse: We made it. We actually freaking made it!

Y/n: And we did it wit- *cough* withou- *cough* *cough* *COUGH*

You covered your mouth, and were about to fall on one knee, but Axel caught you.

Axel: Woah, that was a pretty mean cough. Are you okay?

You removed your hand from your mouth, and looked at it. There was more blood... and this time Axel saw.

Axel: Dude, is that...?

Jesse looked towards you with a worried expression while Petra made her way towards Jesse.

Petra: Jesse?

Jesse turned, and faced Petra.

Petra: I'm worried about Y/n. The wither sickness is getting worse. Back when we were on the horses I saw him coughing up blood.

Jesse: I know. He coughed up blood when he saved me from the command block...

Olivia overheard Jesse, and Petra. She then made her way towards you to see if it's true. She saw some blood around your mouth, but you wiped it off soon after.

Olivia: Y-Y/n you-

Y/n: I- *cough* I'm fine.

Olivia: You're not fine!

The others in the cave looked towards you, and Olivia. Olivia put your right arm over her shoulder while Axel crouched, and did the same with your left arm.

Olivia: Come on, lets get you some rest.

Y/n: *Sigh* Thanks, guys...

Axel, and Olivia took you to the left side of the cave to get you some rest, while the others made their way towards Jesse, and Petra who were standing near the chest.

Magnus: What was that about?

Lukas: I don't think I've ever heard her raise her voice towards someone before.

Jesse: I'm sorry guys, it's just...

Petra: Y/n's wither sickness has gotten way worse than before.

Soren: Worse?

Lukas: How bad are we talking here?

Jesse: ... He's coughing up blood.

They were all shocked from hearing that.

Ellegaard: W-what?

Gabriel: In all my years, I've never heard of wither sickness doing such a thing.

Y/n: *Cough* *cough* *cough*

They all looked towards you, and saw both Olivia, and Axel put you down on the ground gently. Everyone then gathered around you.

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