Episode 0: Wait, What? Chapter 5

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We start off this chapter with you still in the cave system.

Y/n: (Jeez... This is more eerie than I thought... It's really quiet, mining without music playing in the background is eerie enough, but the fact that there are cave noises going off too makes this soooo much worse... Mining back underneath the house had no music yeah, but there weren't any cave noises going off so it was bearable.)

You continue through the cave system looking for a lava pool to make a nether portal, and eventually you find enough lava to make the nether portal.

Y/n: (Ok this should be enough. I should probably check my map and see how close the others are...)

*With the hunters*

Lynn: How much further???

Folke: I don't know Lynn... These compasses don't really tell us how close this guy is.

John: He's most likely underground anyways... Once the compass points in the other direction we begin digging down alright?

Lynn/Folke: Alright.

*With you*

Y/n: (Hmm... They're rather close... Meh, I have time.)

With that you start making a nether portal the fast way, and once you finished making the portal you lit it up with a flint and steel. As you were lighting up the portal the hunters were digging down to your direction, but they wouldn't make it on time to stop you from entering the portal.

Y/n: (Ok, how close are they? *Looks at map* Ooook they're right on top of me I better get going.)

You entered the portal to the nether, and once you came through you pulled out your book, and your map to write down your coordinates so you wouldn't forget where the portal is (The map will show you your coordinates even if you're in the nether, or the end, it will also show you your coordinates if you're in a different world entirely, it just won't show you the land around you if you made the map in a different world). You then took a look at your surroundings and noticed that it was just your normal nether spawn so you decided to go to the edge of the cliff to see if there was a nether fortress in the distance, and it turns out there was but it was rather far so without wasting any time you started bridging your way there.

Y/n: (Please don't let there be a ghast...)

*With the 3*

Folke: Jeez, how far down is this guy?!

John: I don't know, but be careful! We don't know what he has stored for us down there...

With that they break away a few more blocks before finally making it to your last known location in the over world... The nether portal.

Lynn: He's already in the nether?!

John: It would appear so... Be on high alert you two! We don't know what's on the other side.

Folke: ... So who's going first?

John: We'll all go in together on three. Get ready for whatever's on the other side.

Lynn: Ok!

John: One... Two... Three!

Once John said three the hunters all ran through the portal expecting you to have an ambush ready, but what they saw was a long bridge on the cliff that seemed to lead to a nether fortress.

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