Episode 3: The Last Place You Look. Chapter 4

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This chapter begins with Jesse getting up off the ground with your help. (You still have the pumpkin on your head.)

Y/n: Jesse? Are you alright?

Jesse: I'm okay, Y/n.

Jesse then took off the mask, and faced Soren who was sitting on the floor.

Jesse: You must be Soren.

Jesse: You must be Soren

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Soren: Well... I am. But must I be?

Jesse made her way towards Soren, and Olivia stood next to you.

Soren: I'm not sure if I want to sometimes... Sometimes, I'd prefer to be anything but Soren... ooh, like a donkey, for example!

You, and Olivia looked at each other. Olivia had a puzzled look on her face while you just shrugged your shoulders. You both then looked back towards Jesse, and Soren.

Y/n: (I forgot how weird Soren could be sometimes...)

Olivia: 'I'm gonna go get the others.'

Y/n: 'Alright. We'll be here.'

With that Olivia made her way out of the room to go get the others.

Jesse: You have to help me.

Soren: But I just did.

Jesse had an unamused look on her face.

Jesse: You hit me. Hard. In the face.

Soren: You upset the endermen.

Y/n: But I was the one who brought her back here.

Soren: Well, as far as introductions are concerned *stands up* this is not going very well. *Walks away*

Jesse: Look, we're in danger.

Soren: Oh, what else is new? *Faces Jesse* Whatever your issue is... whatever your problem... it has occurred before, and has been solved before. *Faces window* Even so, what do you need me for? I've gone out of my way to avoid these types of problems. I don't even remember what it looks like up there.

Jesse: Help us save the world.

Soren: How?

Jesse: The Formidi-bomb.

Soren stayed quiet for a moment. You, and Jesse noticed the endermen getting closer to the window.

Jesse: There's a Wither Storm on the loose and it's eating the world.

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