Episode 0: Wait, What? Chapter 8

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This chapter begins with you on your way to Hadrian, but on your way you decided to call someone.

Y/n: (Might as well ask him more questions... Call God.)

God: {... Ah, Y/n! Congratulations on your first real manhunt win! I must say using those pigmen to your advantage was a great idea!}

Y/n: {Wait you saw all that?}

God: {Of course I saw all that! I'm not missing a game of manhunt, especially a real life version of one. I must say though, I'm surprised you could hear the hunters whispering towards each other.}

Y/n: {What do you mean "whispering"?}

God: {Oh right, I forgot to tell you that in your old life you were kinda deaf... So I fixed your hearing when you entered this world. I didn't think about telling you this since it was just a normal thing I do with people who get reincarnated, but apparently your hearing was incredible before it was damaged.}

Y/n: {My hearing went bad? What caused my hearing to go bad?}

God: {... You're kidding right?}

Y/n: {What? No I'm serious.}

God: {*Sigh* You slept with headphones on listening to the Doom Eternal soundtrack every night for four months straight.}

Y/n: {... In my defense it's a good soundtrack.}

God: {I know it is, I listen to it on a regular basis... but you could at least put the volume at an acceptable level and not put it full volume when you sleep. I'm surprised you didn't go completely deaf from doing that.}

Y/n: {Hey I couldn't help myself! I just like hearing everything from the drums, the beats, the guitar, the bass, everything.}

God: {I suppose... So with all that out of the way, why did you want to talk to me?}

Y/n: {Hm? Oh, right! I wanted to ask some more questions about this world.}

God: {More questions? Ok then ask away.}

Y/n: {If I want the totem of undying to work do I have to hold it in my hand or do I just need to have it in my inventory?}

God: {You don't need to hold it in your hand no, as long as you have it on you it will keep you from dying.}

Y/n: {Really? That's a lot better than having to hold it in your hand.}

God: {Indeed it is. Next question.}

Y/n: {How strong am I compared to other people?}

God: {What do you mean?}

Y/n: {When Otto tried to pick up my diamond armor he barely got it off the ground, after that he said he'd need to get Slab to move it, but I could move in it like I didn't have it on. So how strong am I really?}

God: {When you were fighting the three hunters in the End they had the potions effect both their speed and strength giving them a boost, but you still managed to keep up with them. I'm pretty sure you should know the answer to that.}

Y/n: {... So what you're saying is... I can take down an iron golem without issue?}

God: {Well... Yes, but I wouldn't recommend attacking one though.}

Y/n: {Can I attack if they attack first?}

God: {*Sigh* Yes... Yes you can.}

Y/n: {Sweet.}

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