Episode 0: Wait, What? Chapter 3

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We continue excactly where we left off last chapter.

Y/n: {God? God?! GOD?!}


Y/n: (Really? I wanted to ask him what he said...)

You focus on your surroundings and noticed that you were drawing unwanted attention, that being some whispers among the competitors, and a few death glares from the gladiators.

*Meanwhile elsewhere*

???: Yooo, Em did you hear about the new guy?

Em: The guy who interrupted the game of spleef?

???: Yeeaaahh, that one dude.

Em: Yes Nell I did hear about him. Why are you bringing him up?

Nell: There's been this rumor of like, the new guy challenging the bosses to a new game.

Em: The new guy challenged the builders after interrupting a game of spleef? Man he must be stupid. What game did he challenge the builders to anyway?

Nell: I don't really know, but from what I've heard it's supposed to be like, very hard.

Em: Really? Jeez, he's even dumber than I thought he was before now.

*Back to you*

Y/n: (Might as well look around to pass the time.)

You looked around... It didn't really take long considering you weren't allowed to go far from the entrance of the competitors village.

Y/n: (Well that didn't take long... This place is kind of depressing.)

You decided to sit and wait until everything was ready, so you sat down in the center of the village where you passed the time by thinking of all the scenarios that could happen while playing manhunt. You were taken out of your thoughts when two people snapped you back to reality.

 You were taken out of your thoughts when two people snapped you back to reality

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Em: Hey! Are you even listening?

Y/n: Huh? Wait... were you talking to me?

Em: Yes I was talking to you, you're the new guy that challenged the builders to a game right?

Y/n: Yep, that's me.

Em: Man I feel sorry for you.

Y/n: Why's that?

Em: Because you got tricked into this whole thing. You made a deal with Hadrian and now you're going to-

Y/n: I'm going to stop you right there, I wasn't tricked into any of this. Hadrian, and Otto made it very clear that I'm not going home unless I win the games, so deal or not I would still need to compete.

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