Episode 1: The Order of the Stone. Chapter 4

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We continue where we left off in the basement where all of you were hiding in different areas in the basement. You, with nowhere left to go, hid with Jesse behind a chest. The hiding spot both you and Jesse were in was a little bit cramped, this caused the two of you to be a little too close for comfort... Jesse on the other hand was feeling a bunch of emotions all at once.

Y/n: *Grunt* 'Sorry Jesse. Are you alright?'

Jesse: 'Huh? Oh-yeah um... I'm ok...' (He's really close! ... He looks better up- AHH! Now's not the time for this Jesse! Keep it together!)

While all of you were hiding Ivor was walking down the basement practicing some lines.

Ivor: "Don't you recognize me?!" Or... wait... "Surprised to see me?!" No, that's not good... "Thought you were rid of me, didn't you?!" That's better.

When Ivor reached the end of the basement Reuben was on a shelf with potions. Ivor walked past it but he noticed it on the corner of his eye, to make sure he wasn't imagining things he faced the shelf to get a better look but Reuben had already changed his hiding spot. Thinking that he was just imagining things Ivor walked towards a chest in the corner of the room, but before he opened it Olivia decided to get a better look, but accidentally pushed a potion off a shelf in the process, this caused it to make a sound. Hearing this, Ivor stopped what he was doing and turned around.

Ivor: What was that? Who's there?

Olivia went back to hiding while Ivor made his way towards her hiding spot. Once Ivor got near he noticed the potion on the ground, he knew he was close so he walked quietly around the bookshelf that Olivia was hiding behind.

Y/n: (Ok, everything is going as expected. Time to say hello.)

You get out of the hiding spot both you and Jesse were in, and once you were out in the open behind Ivor you decided to get his attention.

Y/n: Hello there!

Frightened, Ivor turned around to face you.

Ivor: What are you doing here?! What did you see?!

Right after that Petra got out of her hiding spot.

Petra: Leave him alone!

Then Axel.

Axel: Yeah! Back off, pal.

Then Jesse.

Jesse: Yeah, Ivor.

Then Lukas got out of the chest he was hiding in, and Olivia got out from behind the bookshelves.

Ivor: You three?! Did you follow me here?

Petra: You thought you could just screw us over and get away with it, didn't you?

Jesse: We're here to prove you wrong.

Reuben got next to Jesse.

Ivor: What are you going to do about it? I have what I want, and you have exactly what you earned. Now get out before I put you out.

Y/n: Put us out? Ivor, I'll put you out before you can even use your potions.

Ivor: What? How do you know about that?

Y/n: ... Really? You have potions displayed everywhere in here, and there's a lot of books in here about brewing.

Jesse: Look, just pay us what you owe us. You give us a diamond, and we'll be out of your hair.

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