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"God damn it," Eunyu sighed, irritated by the lighter that wasn't working. With one more swift flick, the lighter finally ignited. The girl raised the lighter and lit the cigarette placed between her lips. Taking a long good puff, she exhaled the smoke and sighed contently. "Nothing beats a good smoke after a long, stressful day,"

"Hey," Eunyu called out to the girl standing next to her, offering her cigarette to her. Yujin raised her brow at Eunyu and gave her a look that's almost like she's saying "Seriously?". A little chuckle escaped Eunyu's lips. "I'm not gonna force you or anything, but you can try it if you'd like."

Yujin thought about Eunyu's words, she really could use some good de-stressing right now. Just one small puff wouldn't hurt, right? She reached out her hand and took the cigarette from Eunyu. Eyeing her as Yujin inhaled the cigarette, an amused look crept across Eunyu's face.

Cough cough! 

Yujin immediately coughed hysterically as puffs of smoke escaped her lips, feeling a slight tingly burn in her lungs. Eunyu stared at Yujin's face and let out a few giggles, before fulling breaking into a laughing fit, finding the 18-year-old's distressed state hilarious.

"Oh god, never again! Fuck smoking!" Yujin cried out, coughing a few more times and wiping her now watery eyes. Eunyu continued making fun of the girl, "I wasn't expecting you to take such a big puff!" she laughed, her giggles making Yujin laugh along with her.

The rooftop was now filled with waves of laughter from both of them. Yujin enjoyed hanging out with Eunyu, she always knew how to make her laugh. Eunyu had this cold exterior, always looking like she didn't give a shit about anything, skipping through life without a care in the world. However, Yujin could feel that deep inside, Eunyu was just an innocent girl with a loving heart and a troubled past.

"You really should quit smoking," Yujin told the girl next to her, raking her eyes over her face as the younger girl took another puff from the cigarette in her hands. "It's really bad for you, you know?" Yujin spoke in a softer voice. "You sound just like my brother," Eunyu huffed out disapprovingly.

Dropping the cigarette on the ground, Eunyu lifted her legs and stepped on the cigarette butt, extinguishing it. "He's literally the most annoying person to ever exist. All he ever does is nag at me. God, I hate him," she muttered distastefully and glanced to the side, waiting for Yujin's reply.

"He loves you a lot, Eunyu, I could tell," Eunyu kept her eyes on the 18-year-old, waiting for her to continue. "You know... he always asks me about you. If you were okay, where were you... He really does care about you." Yujin added, smiling warmly at the girl sitting beside her.

"He may be annoying in your eyes, but he's family, Eunyu. Cherish him... before it's too late, and don't make the same mistake as I did... as we both did" she spoke with a bitter smile on her face, watching Eunyu from the corner of her eyes as she fiddled with her fingers silently.

Eunyu hummed softly at her answer, deep in thought, conflicted. "I... I don't know what to do, Yujin," "What do you mean?" "... You know that I'm an orphan, right? Many many years ago, when I was a kid, my reckless actions lead to the death of my parents. Both of them died, and I made Eunhyuk an orphan too..." the younger girl sighed.

Yujin stayed silent, eyeing the girl as she continued, "We're not even blood-related, but Eunhyuk took a leave from school just so that I could continue my studies in ballet. He's crazy, really crazy," Yujin noticed how her eyes started becoming red and glossy while Eunyu nibbled at her lips, trying her best to contain the tears threatening to spill as she thought of her brother, the boy who sacrificed everything for her.

"I ruined his life... I'm the one to blame for all the shit that has happened to him. So now whenever I look at him, all I could feel is guilt. And I don't know how to deal with that guilt... so I chose to be the biggest bitch ever and treat him like shit," Eunyu breathed out before exhaling a breathy laugh. "I'm fucking pathetic," she added.

Slowly shaking her head, Yujin reached for her hands before saying," No, you're not." Upon hearing Yujin's response, Eunyu removed her glance from the ground and looked at her, a small pout on her face. "It's just your coping mechanism, Eunyu. Losing your parents is difficult, I've been through the same thing so I know how it feels too. It can be scary, tiring, lonely, intimidating. But all that doesn't matter anymore, what matters is how you deal with it now."

Tightening her grip on Eunyu's hands, "Eunhyuk, he cares about you so so much, more than anything in the world. Make things right, Eunyu," her soft, concerned tone assured the younger girl.

"Thank you, Yujin, really," Eunyu whispered. The two girls exchanged a soft smile, a life-long friendship beginning to blossom.

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