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People gathered around at the supermarket entrance, frowning and whispering at the male owner's actions

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People gathered around at the supermarket entrance, frowning and whispering at the male owner's actions. The commotion attracted the attention of Yujin, who had just passed by the corridor. Curious as to what was going on, she made her way to the crowd so that she could have a better look.

The owner, Seokhyeon, was locking the door of the supermarket, prohibiting people from entering the shop and wanting to keep all the food to himself. Through the glass door, he stared at the other residents on the opposite side victoriously as he nibbled on a hot dog. A wicked smirk on his face, not even the slightest bit of shame evident in his eyes.

"This is so selfish!" Hyein yelled, upset at the man's selfish and greedy act. Byungil, the owner's brother, pushed his way through the crowd of people and stood in front of the glass door. "Hang on, hang on..." he began. "Seokhyeon, it's me, Byungil!" he continued, expecting his brother to open the door for him. However, the older man just ignored him and continued munching on his food, paying no mind to his younger brother's words.

Angered by Seokhyeon's cruel ways, Byungil shoved the door harshly and exclaimed, "You shouldn't do this to me!" "I'm not running a charity here." Seokhyeon sneered at the younger male. "Bring money if you want something!" he yelled out, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Eyeing the scene in front of her, "What a dick," Yujin scoffed as she rolled her eyes, finding Seokhyeon's behavior ridiculous. Who even does this shit? To his own brother as well?

"Assholes will always be assholes..." she said to herself, making a mental note that the old man was definitely not worth trusting.

The crowd of people all sighed in defeat, looking at the man on the other side of the glass door disapprovingly. All of a sudden, the sound of wheels on a suitcase was heard, making everyone turn to look in the direction of the noise.

The man who was pulling the suitcase walked towards the crowd Yujin was in, stopping a few inches in front of them. Everyone zipped their mouth, slightly weirded out by the man who suddenly approached them. Glancing up at his face, Yujin noticed the deep cuts and purplish bruises he had, not to mention the huge bump on his very swollen eye. He looked like he was beaten up by someone and was severely injured.

"Sir... your face. Do you need a first-aid kit or something?" the 18-year-old girl looked at him in confusion, wondering what had happened to him. "You're in room 802! Choi Yoonjae, right?" asked Hyein matter-of-factly. Before the man could even reply, Hyein continued on and asked, "What happened to your face? I couldn't even recognize you!"

"Were you here the whole time?" someone asked again. Yoonjae finally opened his mouth and replied, "No, I came down earlier tonight."

"Tonight?" asked Byungil, a puzzled look on his face as he added," Your face looks awful. Did something happen on the way down?"

"Oh, this?" Yoonjae spoke, raising his hands and gently touching the bruises on his face. "I got hurt a while ago. A burglar broke into my house!" he replied with a chuckle as if it was not a big deal.

Yoonjae suddenly pulled up his black suitcase, laying it on the table before unzipping and opening it. His suitcase was filled with food, all kinds of food. There were ramen noodles, water, chocolate, so much more. "We can share," Yoonjae said with a warm smile, grabbing the food and passing them out.

That smile, something was up. Yujin thought to herself.

People immediately gathered around the table, accepting the snacks that the male offered and quickly thanking him. "I'm sure you'll be blessed!" Byungil exclaimed cheerfully as he took the hot dog from his suitcase. Yoonjae smiled back at him, "We should all help each other, right?"

Everyone was gladly taking the food offered by Yoonjae, except for two people, Hyein and Yujin. The both of them looked at the male with doubtful eyes, finding the man's supposedly generous and kind actions a bit suspicious.

Once the food began clearing out, Yujin couldn't help but noticed the dark red stains at the bottom of the suitcase. Scrunching up her eyebrows, Yujin took a step forward and tried taking a closer look at the stain as subtly as possible.

It's blood.

Yujin quickly backed away, feeling her heartbeat quickened at the disturbing sight. Where did the blood come from? The young girl looked around frantically and saw that Hyein had the exact same, frightened look on her face.

Just like Yujin, Hyein noticed the bloodstains as well.

Yoonjae picked up a bar of chocolate from his suitcase and offered it to Hyein when Hyein's dog barked furiously at him. Taking it as a warning sign, Hyein let out a nervous laugh before declining the man as politely as she could. "It's all right," she said, her voice a bit shaky.

The man just let out an awkward laugh and turned to the rest of the people with a smile, "Take as much as you want,"

Yujin's gaze remained fixed on Hyein. Noticing her stare, Hyein glanced back at her, the two females making eye contact. Yujin subtly nodded towards Yoonjae's direction and quirked her eyebrows. There was no need for words as Hyein immediately understood what Yujin was trying to say. The older woman nodded her head, giving a reply to Yujin.

The man, Yoonjae, there was something fishy about him.

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