Chapter 17

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A/N My information on what happens when someone has experienced a car accident is not accurate, so do not take any of the following for granted. I googled as best as I could, but it's still pretty unrealistic. Please read with this in mind :) thanks!


I open my eyes slowly. Small strands of light shine through the closed window blinds. The faint light illuminated on the many screens of the medical machinery allow me to see the room. I blink a few times to clear the hazy scene before me. I feel a slight twinge of annoyance at the incessant beeping and buzzing of the machines.

It takes a few minutes before I remember what has happened. If I am in a hospital, that means the car accident did occur. I struggle through my memories as I try to recall the accident. It is more difficult than I expect as I sluggishly continue my efforts to remember. My brain feels so heavy and dull. It must be the drugs. There is an abundant amount of machinery around me, more than i have seen in my life. All these wires are connected to me, pumping poison into my body.

I have the urge to rip the tubes out of me. It is dulling me down. I cannot think or function! I try to lift my right arm to rip off one of the tubes on my left. However, I must have been severely drained that I couldn't lift it up. Yet, my left arm is perfectly fine as I rip the tubes. Immediately an even more annoying beeping occurs.

"Basta!" Someone fumbles out of the couch across from me and rushes over. How strange, I was sure nobody was in here but me. He must have been lying down.

The man grips both of my wrists tightly but tenderly to prevent me from touching the tubes. I stare at his face before I recognize him. "D-dad?" My voice croaks out. Immediately, I shut my mouth and yank my wrists away. However, the tug barely does anything for he moves only a centimeter. My weak strength saddens me. I don't miss the slight flicker of hurt in his eyes when I try to back away.

"Vivianna, mio tesorina," he whispers sadly as he kisses my forehead. His eyes water briefly before he composes himself in the cold way I've seen before. His abrupt change doesn't surprise me much, but seeing his sudden slip of emotion does. Since when was he so easily readable?

It has probably been five years since I have last seen him. The years have not been kind to him. He seems to have aged ten years than five with his graying hair and deep frown lines. His tired appearance makes me wonder about his health. Don't forget what he did. I try to cut off my sympathy for him.

I'm conflicted as he stands there. This is not the the reunion I expected. I did not even want a reunion with him if I could. I expected him to be furious or disappointed with me, murderous even. In his brief lapse of collectedness, all I saw was the worry and love of a normal parent. I'm not saying he never loved me, but after what I have done to him, to the family, I would never expect to see it.

"I-," he begins to say before someone knocks on the door.

"Good morning Vivianna. My name is Dr. Brennan," a slim, tall woman dressed in a white coat. "If you could close your eyes for a few minutes, I will turn on the lights."

"Huh? Who?" I briefly ask before remembering that she's talking to me. Bright light hits my eyelids and I slowly open my eyes as they adjust. I stare at Dr. Brennan once more. Her short, brown hair frames her face softly, eccentuating her delicate features. I would estimate she is in her mid-thirties, but as soon as she smiles, she appears younger. I like her instantly.

"Oh, Mr. Ricca," Dr. Brennan spots him by my bedside. Her face pales slightly before she nods. "I didn't know you were still here. The nurse was just about to contact you. I can let you have a few minutes with Vivianna if you would like."

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