Chapter 23

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"Fuck my life. I'm going to die. You're gonna kill me. I'm going to dieeeeeee," I rock back and forth, blubbering like a wuss.

I'm kidding.

I probably shouldn't joke about matters relating to death, but I have a morbid sense of humor. It helps me deal with the fact I'm probably going to be tortured to death.

No, what really is happening is that I'm going to be fucking tortured to death.

I've never been tortured.

I've seen movies of it.

That's movies!

I hope people in real life don't actually cut off the victim's fingers or break every bone in my body.

I like my limbs attached and whole.

I've heard it hurts a lot when someone pulls a fingernail off with pliers.

I don't think anybody will burst through the walls to save me. If my brothers do, Then I hope they do it soon.

"I'm going to ask this once: where is the skeleton key?" Alfredo steps in my sight and stares at me.

I don't say anything, mostly because of the duct tape that they put on my mouth an hour ago. I was talking too much.

I try saying, "well, I would tell you but there's something on my mouth..." And the words come out as mumbles.

He steps forward and rips it not too gently away.

"You motherfucking bastard!" I say in pain. I do try to keep the words in, in fear of provoking him.

I guess I didn't succeed.

Next thing I know, it feels like a truck hit me on the side of my face. This time, the chair remains stable; they gave me a new sturdy chair!

My eyesight gets blurry and disorienting. I think this is the first time I've been clocked in the head so hard.

"Well, you sure know how to treat a lady." I eventually say when I feel like my head is splitting. I look back at Alfredo and realize it was one of his men who hit me.

"I was too nice with you. I give you one last chance or I will go through other means..." He grins chillingly.

"Guess you're going to have to torture me to get it?" I laugh. "Wait, I mean, your men will do it because you can't do it yourself." The words spew out of my mouth. I guess I have nothing to lose anymore if I'm about to die.

Ever since last time, I decided I would never turn over the key. It's too dangerous in anyone's hands. I just really hope they don't check the sole of my shoe. I kind of stuck the key in there for temporary keeping. It's stupid to have it on me, but I couldn't think of anywhere else.

"Get her to talk." Alfredo says before leaving.

Two men stay behind and grin menacingly. They crack their knuckles as one walks behind me, the other in front of me.

"I'm assuming your mom never told you not to hit a lady?" I squeak as the guy behind me grips the chair.

Both are silent.

They don't really need to do anything besides glare at me to get me to shut up.

"I think we can do this peacefully." I gulp. Or not.

Man #1 punches me in the face, hard. He doesn't seem to hold back much.

He brings his fist back up again, aiming wherever.

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