Chapter 11

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The Aftermath

"Every choice comes with a consequence. Once you make a choice, you must accept responsibility. You cannot escape the consequences of your choices, whether you like them or not." – Roy T. Bennett


That night after dinner, I returned to my room to find I had at least twenty text messages and ten missed Facetime calls from Brooke and Caroline.

I really should just stop leaving my phone behind when I leave the room.

Quickly reading their text messages, I decided it was best if I just Facetimed them as a group. Caroline picked up on the second ring and Brooke shortly after.

I couldn't help but laugh when Caroline's face popped on my screen. She was clearly getting ready for bed because her hair was messily thrown into and bun and she had one of those foaming face masks on. She kind of looked like the Pillsbury doughboy. Brooke had opted for a similar look, minus the facemask. She had replaced her contacts with a pair of black rimmed glasses, making her look more serious and scarier than she really was.

"You have a phone for a reason!" Caroline gave me a pointed look through the camera.

"Sorry!" I sheepishly gave her a grin.

"What if the next time one of us calls, we're lying in a ditch somewhere and we wasted our one phone call on you?" Brooke chimed in.

I snorted. "Then I would say that's poor judgement on your side."

I could see Caroline rolling her eyes through the screen. "And here I was, counting on you to bail me out of jail."

"Oh hush!" I waved her off. "What happened after I left?"

"Well.." Caroline began. "Let's just say that Leo is carrying around a very nasty black eye."

"And probably a bruised rib or two." Brooke added.

"What?" I mean, not that I wasn't happy about it or anything but who did that to him? While I certainly think Caroline and Brooke capable, I doubt they'd do anything like that.

"Aiden." The two of them replied simultaneously.

I was taken aback. "Aiden?"

"You should have seen it!" Caroline exclaimed. "After you walked out, he just walked up to Leo and pushed him against the lockers. Then when Leo made some stupid comment, Aiden just punched him!"

"A right hook!" Brooke shrieked.

Clearly I missed out of a few things this morning.

"And then!" Caroline continued. "Aiden told him to delete the video or he's make sure he'll regret it. Leo tried to play it off but then Aiden dragged him into an empty classroom."

"When Leo came out, he was limping!" Brooke added.

The two of them certainly didn't feel an ounce of sorrow for Leo, and truth be told, neither did I. I say he got what he deserved. After all, karma is a bitch.

Am I happy Aiden picked a fight with him? Not particularly. Do I think he got what he deserved? Fuck yes.

"You're kidding." I breathed out.

"I wish I was." Caroline laughed. "I swear, he looked like he was about to cry when he came out of that classroom."

"Where were all the teachers?" I asked. Usually, the halls are swarming with them just waiting to handout detention slips.Both of them shrugged in response.

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