Chapter 30

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Heart Too Big

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, it's also what it takes to sit down and listen." – Winston Churchill


"Natty! Natty! Natty! Natty!" Mia came padding down the stairs as her mother opened the front door for me.

"Okay, baby." Ella grabbed her by the shoulders before she could throw herself at me. "Give Natalie time to settle in before you go all crazy."

"But mama!" Mia pouted as she tried to wiggle out of her mother's grasp. "I missed her!"

"Hi munchkin." I ruffled her hair as I shut the door behind me. "I missed you too."

"What am I?" Ella feigned hurt. "Chopped liver?"

"Yes." Mia and I replied simultaneously before we burst out laughing.

"I see how it is." She wiped a fake tear away after setting Mia back on the ground. Little miss didn't waste any time before tugging on my legs and raising her arms. "Up! Up!"

With no other choice but to oblige, I picked her up and carried her in my arms as I followed Ella into the living room where The Crown was playing in the background. "Mama said we're having a girls' day!" Mia squealed in my arms.

I nodded. Ella had called me last night and told me that Jake was taking the boys up to his parents for the weekend and asked if I wanted to have a girl's day with her, Mia and Claire. Of course I was not about to turn down such good company for a biology research paper, so I quickly agreed.

"I wanna do your hair, Natty!" Mia excitedly jumped up and down on the couch before reaching up to touch my hair.

"She had sugar just before you came over." Ella nonchalantly replied taking a sip from her mug, her eyes trained on the TV. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume she's drinking coffee considering its just past noon, but nothing is out of the question with her.

"And you let her?" I laughed.

"She'll get it out before bed." She shrugged.

What I wouldn't do to be this relaxed in life.

True to Ella's word, Mia did indeed get some of her energy out by 6pm. We – and by we, I mean Mia and I – spent the entire afternoon playing princess tea party, followed by a fashion show put on to display all of her Disney customs while I got lots of cuddles from a snuggling Claire.

I was currently laying on the living room floor, completely spent, when the doorbell rang, and Ella quickly sprang to her feet. "I'll get it!" That was the most she's moved since I got here.

"Hello little brother." The living room had an open floor plan so I had a clear view of her smirking when she opened the door and Aiden walked in. He looked like he had just finished working out, with his hair slightly damp and wearing a pair of gray shorts and a black hoodie. The temperatures were in the mid-sixties this week, and plenty of people were taking advantage of the warm weather to bring out their spring clothing.

"Evil sister." Aiden teased as he followed her into the living room. "What are you doing on the floor?" He asked amused when he caught my eye.

"Just chilling." I replied, not bothering to move an inch.

"Mia!" Ella yelled. "Your babysitter is here!"

"Babysitter?" I laughed, meanwhile Aiden glared at her.

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