Chapter 36

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All My Faults

"I will never be perfect for you, but I will always imperfectly try to be." – Atticus


"Please babe," Aiden ran to catch up with me in the parking lot. "You've been giving me the silent treatment for almost a week now."


"I think it's gone on long enough – just talk to me!" He pleaded while I continued to look straight ahead, refusing to even glance in his direction.

I was still pretty mad at him about logging onto my computer, signing into my Common App, and submitting an application to Northwestern and Stanford on my behalf!

Who the hell just does that?

And to make matters worse, he didn't tell me he did any of that! I had to find out from the admissions office.

How do you forget to tell someone something like that?

"Hi Buttercup." Lucas smirked when he saw me walk up. Since I've been giving Aiden the silent treatment, Lucas has made it a point to wait for me at my locker every morning and rub it in Aiden's face that I was talking to him.

"Good morning, Lucas." I smiled brightly as I input my locker combination.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." Aiden growled under his breath.

This is what happens when you cross the line, I thought bitterly.

"Did you say something Aiden?" Lucas feigned curiosity, leaning closer and cupping his ear in Aiden's direction. Aiden looked like he was about to strangle him right then and there.

"Me?" He replied sarcastically. "No, what could I possibly have to say. It's not like my girlfriend is outright ignoring me right now but talking to you!"

"Jealousy doesn't look good on you, man." Lucas laughed as he placed his arm around my shoulder.

Aiden's eyes narrowed in slits before he glared at Lucas. "Neither will my foot up your ass."

"Buttercup, I think it's time you start talking to cranky pants over there." Lucas leaned down and not so subtly whispered. I had to bite my inner lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Finally, the smartest thing you've said all day!" Aiden growled, glancing at me hopefully.

"How long are you going to keep torturing him like this?" Lucas chuckled.

"I'm literally right here!" Aiden snapped.

"Since Aiden seems to think he's entitled to make decisions for me, why doesn't he ask himself that?" I slammed my locker shut and walked off towards first period, leaving the two of them to hash out their own bickering.

Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic about getting admissions to both Northwestern and Stanford – it's a dream come true. What pisses me off is that he didn't ask me how I felt about applying.

Instead, he just did it.

Scratch that – Aiden knew how I felt about it and chose to completely disregarded my opinions and feelings on the matter.

Also, I'm pretty sure what he did, applying for me even if it was under my login, is illegal and would invalidate my admissions if anyone ever found out.

God, sometimes I just want to strangle him!

While my mom and I are pretty well off, we are not Ivy League university well off! Sure, Northwestern is a few minutes from where we live now and that would cut down on the cost of attending, but if I'm being honest, I don't see myself at Northwestern. It's a great school, but I just don't think it's great for me.

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