Chapter 21

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I'm Going to Bust my Ass!

"The key to being happy is knowing you have the power to choose what to accept and what to let go." – Dodinsky


List the different financial securities.

What is the Law of Demand?

State the difference between a general partnership and a limited partnership.

Define Equilibrium.

What is the Price Ceiling?

What is the Price Floor?

I internally groaned as I flipped through the Econ final Mr. Monroe had just handed out. This thing had to be at least ten pages long, double sided.

Oh and the worst part, none of it was multiple choice! According to Mr. Monroe, multiple choice exams are flawed to make students think they understand the concepts being taught. If you ask me, a multiple choice tests at least gives me a ¼ chance of getting the right answer and doesn't stress me out to the point of staying up until 3 am trying to memorize the entire Econ book.

But, what the hell do I know? It's not like I've been taking standardized tests my entire life.

Forty minutes later and two pages still to go, I see Aiden from the corner of my eye gather his stuff and hand Mr. Monroe his exam. Teachers were making an exception today  and letting us leave class when we finished our exams since it was the last day of classes before winter break officially started.

I rolled my eyes at Aiden as he walked past me, giving my shoulder a quick squeeze and throwing me one of his famous smirks.

I'm going to wipe that stupid smirk off his stupid face one of these days.

Curse Aiden and his crazy intelligent mind who can just memorize everything without having to study for hours on end like the rest of us. And before you ask – yes, I am jealous of his brain.

It honestly amazes me that I never knew who Aiden really was until a few months ago. The boy is crazy smart and gets better grades than I do without even trying. I had made it a mission when I first started high school to scope out the competition if you will, and see who else was obsessed with good grades like me. Believe it or not, Aiden's name never came up.

For as long as I can remember, my dream has always been to be valedictorian. An accomplishment that I could call my own, and demonstrate to everyone who doubted me and thought I wasn't good enough, that I am in fact worthy. Until Aiden came along, I thought I had an actual shot at it, but now I'm beginning to second guess myself. Unless Aiden miraculously developes a brain injury in the next few months, I can kiss my valedictorian speech goodbye.

However, would I really be mad if it was him giving the speech? Maybe I'd be a little jealous but unlike some people at our school who get top marks, he doesn't cheat his way through every exam.

When the bell finally rang, I stood up and handed my paper to Mr. Monroe before heading towards my locker. Our teachers had decided not be the devil's spawns this year and surprisingly did not give out homework for winter break.

Thank freaking god!

As I was shoving the last of my books in my locker, I look up to see Caroline and Brooke making their way towards me while engaged in a pretty heated hush-hush argument. Those two have got to tell me what it is they have been constantly whispering about lately.

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