Chapter 4

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Sleeping in, what's that?

"There has never been a sadness that can't be cured by breakfast food" – Ron Swanson


I sighed in relief as I shut my MacBook closed.

It was finally Friday night and I had just finished my homework that was due on Monday.

The first week of school had been brutal, and that in combination with soccer practice has me more than ready for the weekend. I was excited to finally be able to sleep in tomorrow, and spend the rest of the weekend binge watching Netflix.

After getting ready for bed, I wrapped myself in my covers and allowed myself to become engulfed in the drama surrounding Rory and Jess.


Buzz Buzz Buzz

Buzz Buzz Buzz

What the hell is that noise? I slowly cracked my eyes to see it was already daylight out. Glancing at the clock I saw it was only 7:15 am. Knowing today was Saturday, I happily turned on my side ready to let sleep overtake me once again.

Before I could go back to dreaming about whatever it was my mind had decided to dream about, I heard a knock at the door.

Who the hell is knocking so early in the morning. I grumpily got out of bed and marched my way towards the front door, ready to give whoever was on the other side a piece of my mind.

As I swung the front door open, still half asleep, I came face to face with Aiden's cheery face.

"Good morning, Prin-" He started saying as I began shutting the door. "Nope. No way in fucking hell." I said.

Aiden was much faster than me and blocked me from closing the door all the way. "Now that's no way of greeting me."

"Aiden." I said looking him dead in the eye. "Get the fuck out of my house. Its 7 am and unless you never want to bear children, I suggest you go fuck yourself. Far far away from my house."

He chuckled at my outburst. "I can't do that. I'm here for our Saturday training."

I waiting for him to say he was joking or something, but once he didn't, I burst out laughing.

I'm not a morning person on any given day, however, I am especially not a morning person on the weekend. Factor in the fact that I haven't had any coffee yet, you get a very pissed off version of me.

And let me just tell you, Aiden was playing with fire right now.

Once Aiden saw I was showing no signs of getting on board with his plan, he said "You can either cooperate and come with me willingly, or I can throw you over my shoulder."

I raised my eyebrows in challenge as I walked away from him and towards my room. I didn't get very far before I felt a pair of warm hands wrap around my waist and pull me back. I suddenly found myself pressed against Aiden's chest. As he leaned in to whisper into my ear, I could smell his minty breath. "Get. Dressed."

"No." I challenged. I was determined to stand my ground. Wasn't it enough he had literally worked me to death during the week? Now he wanted to take over my weekend too?

"Fine." Aiden sighed. Just as I thought I had won, he gripped my wait and turned me around so that we were face to face now. Before I could say anything else, the asshole had thrown me over his shoulder so that now I was hanging upside down getting a very good look at his perfectly round ass.

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