Chapter 29

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You Look Like Hell

"You don't have to do it all by yourself." – Elizabeth Dehn


Taking my seat next to Caroline in English Lit, I pulled out the box of tissues from my bag and set it on the desk. Although I had just gotten through a sneezing fit while I was at my locker, I could feel another one coming on.

"I don't understand why you didn't just stay home today." Caroline lectured from next to me. I'm actually surprised that she chose to sit next to me.

"I told you," I replied in a raspy voice that even I could barely recognize. "I have that Econ exam 8th period, and Mr. Monroe doesn't allow make-ups."

"That man is the reason I didn't even think about taking that class." Caroline rolled her eyes.

"Whoa Buttercup," Lucas stopped in front of Caroline and I. "You look like hell. What happened to you?"

"LUCAS!" Caroline exclaimed reaching up to slap his arm.

"What was that for?" He looked around bewildered, which only earned him another slap from her. "Apologize, right now!" Caroline scolded.

"You don't say shit like that, dumbass." Aiden rolled his eyes from behind him.

"Fuck off." I groaned, as I pulled out a tissue and blew my nose in a very un-lady like manner.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asked sympathetically.

"Just dandy." I replied tying my hair into a messy bun. I didn't bother brushing it this morning so it was sticking up in all directions. My hair wasn't the only thing I didn't bother trying with this morning – my entire outfit screamed hot mess central. I pulled on the first pair of gray sweats I could find, along with a black hoodie and my boots. I'm ashamed to say I actually didn't even bother putting on a bra this morning. But in my defense, the hoodie was large enough so that you couldn't tell.

I hope.

"Everyone, please take your seats." Ms. Nguyen shouted from the front of the class as she picked up a black marker and began writing on the white board. Aiden looked hesitant, but I reassured him I was fine and pushed him towards his usual seat in the back.

I managed to get through the rest of the morning with minimal incidents. Although the pounding in my head was getting progressively worse, I had finally stopped sneezing and coughing.

This was so not the day to be at school, I thought to myself.

Don't get me wrong, I'm the first one to stay home if I don't feel like coming to school, however, there are days to miss and then there are days not to miss. Today was one of those days that I just could not miss. Not only did I have my Econ exam during 8th period, but Ms. Nguyen went over the requirements for our paper on Othello and Mrs. Laurent would be going over our oral French exam today as well.

Whoever said high school is supposed to be the best four years of your life, clearly never actually attended a normal high school.

On our way to the cafeteria, I started feeling sick so Caroline offered to come with me to the bathroom. We made it just in time before I had to dart into one of the stalls and empty the contents of my stomach. There wasn't much to empty considering I hadn't eaten all day because I was feeling nauseous, but it was nevertheless gross.

When I came out of the stall, Caroline was waiting for me with her arms crossed. "What, Caroline?" I let out a sigh as I washed my hands.

"How long have you been feeling sick?" She carefully asked.

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