Chapter 14

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A/N: Underage drinking is NOT encouraged, however if you are going to engage in it please be responsible and do not drink and drive! Happy Reading!

Halloween Scaries

"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." – Katherine Hepburn.


"Care, where the hell did you get these damn bunny ears?" I asked adjusting the headband for the hundredth time that night.

"Walgreens." She laughed turning right off a main street. "Beggars can't be choosers Nat. Next time go out and buy your own costume."

"Next time, let me be a hermit at home!" I stuck my tongue out at her. It was then that I realized she was driving down a very familiar street. "Where did you say this party was again?"

"Lucas's house?" Brooke replied popping her head above the armrest console.

"This is not Lucas's house." I said as Caroline pulled into an all too familiar drive way. "This is Aiden's house."

Caroline and Brooke exchanged a knowing glace. "Even better." Caroline smirked as she got out of the car.

"If I find out you two knowingly dragged me to a party Aiden is throwing." I warned shooting daggers at both of them.

Brooke came over to me and began adjusting my dress. "Oh hush!" She lectured. "We didn't know, now let me fix your hair."

"Are we ready?" Caroline asked giddily.

"It's not like we have much of a choice." I muttered under my breath.

Can you tell I don't like parties?

They're far from the enjoyable affair portrayed on TV. Now, before you get all up on my case, yes I have been to a high school party before. No, I did not like it one bit. It was full of drunk 15-year-olds making a fool of themselves, loud music, cheap alcohol, and half naked girls looking to hook-up with one of the jocks in the hopes they can climb the social ladder.

Aiden's driveway was paved with different Jack-O-Lantern carvings and various colored projectors giving the place a spooky vibe. Orange and purple lights cast eerie shadows on the once simplistic structure. The trees were covered in giant spider, ghosts with different horrifying faces were being pushed around by the wind, and a number of skeletons stood outside the door.

He must have decorated specifically for the party because when I was here last week, nothing was up.

The entrance to the house was wide open, and the music was blasting. The inside of the house had been transformed to look no different than the outside. The light were dimmed and there were electric candles and orange fairy lights just about everywhere. I swear I think I even saw a black cat walking around.

I was still taking in my surroundings when we heard someone yell.

"LADIES!" Lucas shouted as he descended down the staircase once he spotted us. "You came!"

He was dressed up as Harry Potter, and for some reason I found that to be way too funny. I couldn't tell what was funnier, the fact that he was actually wearing the round glasses and had drawn the scar on his forehead with makeup, or because he was holding a toy wand.

Lucas had steered us into the kitchen were there were more drinks laid out than I could count. You had the traditional beer in red solo cups, but there were also bottles of the more expensive stuff you typically wouldn't find.

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