Lucas Bonus Chapter (Chapter 14)

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"She was made of a magic, that only I could see." – Atticus


Takes place before and during Chapter 14!

Lucas P.O.V

"Is the makeup really necessary?" Aiden asks. Now, before you jump to any conclusions, Aiden is over exaggerating - I have one item of make-up in my hand, and I am using it to draw on my face.

This year for Halloween I decided to go with a classic – Harry Potter. I figured it was bound to swoon the ladies off their feet, and earn me a few brownie points.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into throwing this stupid party tonight." Aiden grumbled as he put on the black robe I got him. Amused, I watched his irritated reflection in the bathroom mirror I was currently occupying.

"Ah bah bah!" I turned towards him. "I might have done some recon and invited a certain preppy blonde and her two friends?"

Aiden's ears perked up at this. "I think you happen to know one of them?" I smirked as I used the black eyeliner I found in Mrs. Cooper's make-up cabinet to draw the scar on my forehead. "Brunette, real pretty, you have a huge ass crush on her."

"Shut the fuck up, Lucas." Aiden replied as he chugged a pillow at me. I easily dodged it and continued to laugh at him. Poor guy, he was so whipped.

"Did I say something wrong?" I feigned innocence. It was so easy to rile him up when it came to Natalie – all you had to do was bring her up.

"Finish getting pretty already, you need to finish setting up downstairs." Aiden growled.

I chose to ignore his snide comment, and instead asked him, "Are you finally going to grow some balls and ask her out?"

He didn't give any indication that he was going to reply, so I continued. "All this pining around was cute at first – now it's just pathetic."

"I am not pathetic!" He rolled his eyes. "Me and Natalie are just complicated."

I rolled my eyes at him. Trust him to make something so simple, into a complicated mess.

"Don't tell me you're still fucking around with Victoria." I sighed. I have nothing against the girl, well – maybe other than the fact that all she does is talk about her so called friends behind their back. But who was I to judge, they're her friends - not mine.

I watched as Aiden struggled to come up with a logical response. "Victoria is.... fun."

"Yeah and it'll be fun when Natalie finds out." I laughed. "She isn't like the other girls you mess around with – she doesn't fall at your feet and she sure as hell isn't going to start thinking of you any different if you have a different girl on your arm each week."

"I don't have a different girl on my arm each week, dumbass!" Aiden shot back.

"That's besides the point." I've known Natalie for a while now, but it wasn't until recently that the two of us became friends. While Aiden will always be my best friend, I wasn't about to sit around and watch him string her along if he wasn't serious about her.

In the short two months that the two of them have been hanging out, I've seen her open up like never before. From what I gathered, she typically wouldn't even look at a guy like Aiden, let alone willingly spend time with him in her free time. "She's different." I gave Aiden a pointed look.

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