Chapter 8

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Grandma came to visit!

A recipe has no soul. You, as the cook, must bring soul to the recipe." – Thomas Keller.


"Are you still salty that you lost to that kid?" I laughed as I followed Aiden into his house.

Every Saturday for the past few weeks, Aiden had made good on his promise and showed up at my door at 7:30 am sharp. Like clockwork, he'd wake me up, I'd bitch about how much I hate him and how I despise mornings, and eventually I'd give in and follow him once he threatened to drag me out of my house, kicking and screaming.

Today was no different. Well, except for the fact that Aiden got his ass handed to him by a kid.

Of course, Aiden being Aiden, couldn't pass up an opportunity to race with what looked to be no older than a  freshman in high school. Unfortunately for him, the kid turned out to be quite fast, and he lost.

Let's just say, he gives a whole new meaning to the term sore loser.

"I did not lose!" Aiden emphasized, tossing his keys on the table in the entryway. "I didn't see that stupid rock."

"What rock?" I asked amused. "Just admit it. You're a sore loser!"

"I will never admit such a thing." He shook his head smirking. Going to the fridge, he pulled out two water bottles and tossed one at me.

Before I had a chance to reply, we heard the front door open and a loud voice echo throughout the kitchen.

"Hello?" A thick southern voice said. "Anybody home?"

I turned to Aiden, confused. Do people just randomly walk into his house on Saturdays?

He met my confused gaze with one of his own as he made his way out of the kitchen. I decided it was best to stay put and let him deal with it, it was his house after all.

Making myself comfortable at the kitchen island, I took my phone out and started scrolling through Instagram. A few moment later I looked up expecting to see Aiden coming back alone, but instead a short woman in her late sixties with shoulder length blonde hair followed behind him.

Meeting my confused look, he looked at me pleadingly.

Before he had a chance to speak. The woman behind him stepped forward and beat him to it. "And who might this be?"

"Hi. I'm Natalie." I replied, extending my hand to shake hers. She looked between Aiden and I briefly before a grin broke out on her face.

"Oh darlin'." She beamed. "Your mama didn't tell me you finally got yourself a girlfriend."

"Oh no-"

Aiden shot her a warning look before coming to stand next to me. "Natalie is my friend. You know I don't have a girlfriend."

"One can only hope." She sighed. "When are you finally going to stop whoring around and finally settle down with a nice girl. I'm not getting any younger, and I'd like to see some grandbabies before I kick the bucket."

So she was his grandmother.

"Amy!" Aiden groaned as a small blush crept up on his face. I snorted besides him. I know I just met this woman, but man she was awesome.

Wait - did he just call his grandma by her first name?

"What?" She asked batting her eyes innocently. She then proceeded to start taking inventory of the kitchen, opening the various cabinets and fridge. "Are you kids hungry?"

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