Chapter 6

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A/N: I would like to remind all of my readers that this is a work of FICTION and I do not encourage or condone violence in any way! Happy Reading!

Hugs and Tears

"Sometimes, the person you'd take a bullet for is the person standing behind the trigger." – Taylor Swift


After my crazy outburst with Aiden a few weeks ago, he chose not to bring it up. Instead, the two of us had settled into a routine; we would bicker during school, he'd kick my ass during practice during the week, and on Saturday's he would torment me until noon. My only Aiden free day was on Sundays. As much as I hated to admit it, he was actually really growing on me.

We played two games since Aiden began coaching us, and I'm happy to say we didn't totally suck. Granted, we didn't win either but perfection doesn't happen overnight.

Naomi was able to score during both games, and yesterday's game we actually tied. Of course Aiden wouldn't shut up about his god-like coaching skills, and the majority of the girls on the team continued to fawn over him, only inflating his already huge ego.

Meanwhile, I continued to roll my eyes.

It was finally Friday night and the temperatures had dipped below the thirties, giving me the perfect opportunity to put on my fuzzy socks and cozy pajamas. I was just about to press play on the movie Carol when my phone started ringing.

Confused as to who could be calling me at 10 pm, I saw Caroline's name flash on my screen.

"Hello?" I answered confused.

"Hey!" She shakily replied. "I'm in the neighborhood. Theo and I got into a huge fight. Can I come over?"

Taken a back, I agreed. "Sure. Do you still have the spare garage remote?

"Yeah." She said. "I'll be there in 5 minutes."

With that, Caroline hung up and left me standing in the middle of my room confused.

She's never really talked about her relationship with Theo much, but from what I gathered the two of them were going steady. He was a year older than us and he was getting ready to ship out with the Marines, something Caroline wasn't too fond of but nevertheless she understood his passion and desire to serve his country.

Grabbing a fuzzy robe off the back of my door, I quietly made my way downstairs into the garage. It was pretty late so I made sure to be as quiet as possible so I wouldn't wake my mom up.

Caroline was just pulling in when I stepped out. The moment she stepped out of her car I knew she had been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy, and fresh tears stained her cheecks.

"What happened?" I asked as she ran into my arms. Now, out of the three of us, Caroline has always been a far more affectionate person than both Brooke and I combined. In fact, I wasn't much of a hugger at all. She knew this, so when she ran into my arms unexpectently, I knew something big must have happened.

"What happened Care?" I asked as I continued to hug her.

She slowly pulled back. "He cheated on me Nat!"

Whatever I thought she was going to tell me, it certainly wasn't that.

"What?" I breathed, taken aback. "Are you sure Care?"

She nodded, as fresh tears continued streaming down her face. "He told me. He straight up told me he cheated on me. And the worst part? He cheated on me with Veronica."

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