Chapter 32

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"Being stubborn is a virtue when you're right; it's only a character flaw when you're wrong.


There are days when you have your shit together and show up to school on time, and then there are days when you just have to say fuck it and stop for a cup of coffee.

Today was the latter.

After parking my car, I walked through the main entrance and to the main office to get my late pass. Taking a sip of my scalding hot vanilla latte, I impatiently waited for Ms. Edens at the front desk to print out my pass. Once she handed it to me, I made a quick stop at my locker to drop off my jacket and grab some books before making my way to the second floor for Calculus.

Walking to my usual seat, I waited for the classroom to begin filling with students.

"Buttercup!" Lucas exclaimed as he spotted me from the doorway. He quickly made his way over to me with Caroline in tote, and wrapped his arms around me.

Seriously, what is with the hugs today.

"Hi Lucas." I smiled at him.

"It is not like you to skip school, Buttercup." He pretended to scold me. "And you even stopped at Starbucks! And didn't get me anything – might I add."

Rolling my eyes I said, "The world doesn't revolve around you, Lucas."

"But it should!" He smirked as Caroline pushed him in the direction of his own seat. "Go to your seat!" She pointed to the back. "Natalie and I have important things to discuss."

"Yes ma'am!" He smirked, pretending to salute her as he walked away laughing.

I couldn't help but smile at the two of them. They were adorable – even if either of them had yet to admit their feeling for one another and make their relationship official.

Taking her seat next to me, Caroline turned to face me. "How was it?" She whispered so that the nosy students around us couldn't hear us.

"It was fine." I sighed. "I'm a match. They're doing the procedure on Wednesday morning."

"Oh babe!" She looked like she was about to lean in and hug me as well, but she settled for a sympathetic pat on the arm after I shot her a look.

"Brooke and I will be right there with ice cream when you wake up." She stated matter of factly as the bell rang and Mr. Evans called the class' attention. Aiden also chose that exact moment to walk through the door, earning a pointed look from Mr. Evans. When he saw me in my regular seat, his eyebrows shot up in confusion.

I gave him a small smile and returned my attention to the front.


I managed to avoid Aiden's curious gaze and persistent questions until lunch when he cornered me at my locker.

"Are you okay, Princess?" He asked as he leaned back against the maroon locker next to mine.

"Yes." I replied shoving the history textbook on the top shelf. "Why?"

"Well – you've never once been late this year." He shrugged. "And I don't know – you just kinda look off."

"I'm fine." I smiled at him in the hopes of reassuring him enough so that he would just drop it.

I did not want to talk about the situation more than I already had today.

Plus – it was a small procedure and everything would be back to normal by next week.

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