Chapter 15

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Bless Me with Your Knowledge

You don't stop laughing because you grow older. You grow older because you stop laughing." – Maurice Chevalier


"You know," He said, stroking my cheek with his index finger. "That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble one day."

"Oh yeah?" I managed to squeak out. Aiden had moved us backwards and I was now pinned against the door of my bedroom. I can't even remember how we got here, all I know is that if we didn't get some space between us, I wouldn't be responsible for my actions.

A moan escaped my lips as he started kissing down along the base of my neck. Leaning back to give him more access, "We.. should....stop... before.. –"

"Stop?" He pulled back slightly to ask. "Are you sure?"

We seriously needed to stop, I thought to myself.

Instead, I bit my lower lip and pulled his head down back so that our lips were once again locked. I gasped when Aiden reached down and grabbed the back of my legs. On instinct, I wrapped my legs around his waist and bit out another moan.

"You're so fucking sexy." Aiden growled as he continued kissing down my neck.




Who the hell was calling my name?

Just then I was jolted out of my day dream and returned to reality.

"A gene mutation is a permanent alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene, such that the sequence differs from what is found in most people." Mr. Monroe drawled out. He proceeded to begin writing on the white board.

"Dreaming about me again, princess?" Asked a voice behind me.

You have no idea, I thought. Instead I said, "When pigs start to fly." I quickly returned my attention back to the front before Mr. Monroe had a chance to call me out for talking in class.

"Amongst the main causes of gene mutations is exposure to specific chemicals or radiation." Our teacher went on.

"Pigs must be flying then." Aiden whispered in my ear. As I continued to ignore him, I felt something poking my hair. Turning around, I saw Aiden holding a Number 2. Pencil and smirking at me.

"Quit it." I hissed in annoyance.

"There are four different types of gene mutations. Who can tell me what they are?" Asked Mr. Monroe. He looked around the room until his eyes finally settled on me. Before he had a chance to call my name, someone else answered.

"Point mutation, deletion, insertion, and frame shift." Aiden spoke from behind me.

"Very good Mr. Cooper." He replied. Phew, saved by the annoying asshole. "We will be having a quiz on Monday so review your notes! There will be no make-up either so plan on attending class and not being late."

Just then then bell rang, releasing us all from this torture. This was the fourth quiz that I have on Monday! Midterms had already passed, but it didn't seem like the teachers had any intention of loosening up on the torture.

Aiden waited for me to gather all of my belongings before the two of us made our way to history. In the past week we'd developed a kind of silent routine if you will, in which we walk to class together. Sometimes when we share a class with our friends they tag along as well, but more often than not it's just the two of us.

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