Chapter 16

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"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." – Phil Jackson


"Are you ready for the game tonight?" Caroline grinned as she and I made our way to my locker after Calculus.

"Ready for it to be over, yes." I snorted as I put in the combination. "I totally bombed that Biology quiz on Monday, and I got a B on my English essay!" All of the late practices during the week were finally starting to catch up with me. When I would get home, I would immediately crash and I had to force myself to stay awake to finish all the assignments due the following day.

It didn't help that all of our teachers decided to give out a shit ton of assignments at the same time.

The English essay I got a B on, that was the third one in two weeks! Throw in two more history essay, an Economics paper, and a biology and calculus quiz - I was just about ready to pull my own hair out.

And as much as I was enjoying the extra time I was spending with Aiden, it was seriously starting to affect my school work. Last weekend, Aiden, Lucas and Caroline all ended up sleeping over Friday night and we spent all of Saturday getting through the rest of the Harry Potter movies. I tried my best to study that Sunday, but I just couldn't concentrate.

Come Monday morning I was totally freaking out, and I even woke up at 5 am to try and get some last minute studying in. To this day I don't know if that did more good or damage.

I ended up getting some of those grades back today, and lets just say that I'm lucky that my mom stopped checking my grades back in middle school.

"Oh come on, Nat!" Caroline groaned. "It's just one bad grade. Some of us would kill for a B on our English Essays."

I turned to glare at her. "B's won't get me a full-ride anywhere! You know as well as I do that college's still check your senior year grades."

"You're over reacting." She bit back. "It's senior year, it's okay to breath once in a while."

Was she right? Absolutely. Was I going to be rational and listen? Fuck no.

"Anyway!" She continued. "Both Brooke and I will be there. It's senior night and there's no way we're missing it!"

"Ah, yes." I sighed. "Senior night". It's the last game of the season, and each year it's dedicated to the seniors on the team. There are posters, pictures, and all that other crap. Usually for our team it's pretty relaxed, but if you were to attend senior night for the boys' basketball or soccer team, be prepared to get trampled on. Those can get pretty serious.

"I'm so excited!" She squealed as the two of us made our way to the library on the first floor. We have a test next period for French, and Caroline promised to help me get some last minute studying in during lunch.

Just then, something hit me. "Oh Care! Don't do anything overboard. I mean it. I just want this season to be over with."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about a thing." She smirked. It's safe to say I was officially worried. "Now, I know I promised to help you study, but Brooke needs me for something last minute."

"Caroline." I warned her. I have a feeling this little spur of the moment errand has something to do with tonight.

"But!" She continued. "Do not fret, I found you a new study partner."

Before I could ask who my new study partner is, Caroline pushed me through the library doors and left.

This girl, will one day be the death of me. I swear.

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