Aiden Bonus Chapter (Chapter 32)

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"She is delightfully chaotic; a beautiful mess. Loving her is a splendid adventure." - Steve Maraboli

Aiden POV

Watching her figure retreat down the dull and empty hospital corridor, it took everything in me not to go after her. I looked down at Olivia who was standing next to me, her face just as concerned as mine. "She'll be okay, sweetheart." She tried giving me a reassuring smile, but I saw right through it.

"Yeah... you're right." I replied running a hand through my hair as I took a seat in one of the uncomfortable green waiting room chairs.

When Natalie finally told me everything – her dad coming back, him asking her to donate – I had to restrain myself from finding the bastard and bashing his face in with my fist. She kept telling everyone that it was fine, and that it wasn't a big deal but I saw right through the brave face she was trying to put on. I saw how hurt she was by her father coming back into the picture.

Twelve years of radio silence and he comes back for this?

No, hey honey how are you?

No, I'm sorry I missed out on the past twelve years of your life?

No, I know I've been a shit father, but I promise to do better?

My own father is by no means a saint, but even he's better than Natalie's piece-of-shit dad.

She said it didn't bother her, but the way her eyes refused to meet mine as she said it was all I needed to know that she was trying to convince herself not me.

When the two hour mark passed, I was starting to get impatient. No amount of pacing back and forth could stop the uneasy feeling forming at the pit of my stomach.

The procedure shouldn't take more than an hour or two – tops.

And to make matters worse, Natalie's dad had also showed up about half an hour ago. The only reason I know it's him is because of the not-so-subtle glares Olivia was throwing him and the brunette that accompanied him. The only thing he and Natalie had in common was their hazel green eyes. Other than that, she was the splitting image of her mother.

My phone was also blowing up with texts from Caroline and Brooke asking if Natalie was out of surgery.

Caroline: Have you heard anything??

Brooke: Any news yet?

Caroline: Is she out?

Caroline: Aiden answer your fucking phone or so help me god!

Caroline: That's it – I'm coming to the hospital.

After the last message I tried calling to reassure her that there was no need for her to come down, but it was too late. She had already dragged Brooke out of class and the two of them were on their way.

As I continued to pace the almost empty hallway, I couldn't help but think back to the first time I really saw Natalie. That day in August I had let Lucas convince me to go with him to the girls' soccer game because he was trying to hit on Naomi – clearly that didn't work out so well because Caroline has him whipped, but that's a different story altogether.

I had of course seen her around school before, but I never really paid attention to her like I had that day. The moment I laid eyes on her, I couldn't bring myself to look away. It wasn't just her beauty that was captivating, it was everything about her. Every inch of her was amazing. Not only was she gorgeous on the outside, but she was also a beautiful person inside.

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