Chapter 7

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"Give. But don't allow yourself to be used. Love. But don't allow your heart to be abused. Trust. But don't be naive. Listen. But don't lose your own voice." – Unknown


It was Wednesday morning and I was sitting through yet another day of double biology with Mr. Monroe. I tried to pay attention as he rambled on about the different organisms, but it was hard enough trying to keep my eyes open, let alone focus on what he was saying.

"Cells fall into one of two broad categories: prokaryotic and eukaryotic." Mr. Monroe droned on as he changed the slide on his PowerPoint. Glancing around the classroom, I wasn't the only one having trouble paying attention to what he was saying. Most of the students were either on their laptops pretending to take notes while online shipping, while others had their heads on the desks taking a nap.

Whoever thought double biology in the morning was a good idea, needs to have their head evaluated. Especially biology with Mr. Monroe. Don't get me wrong; he's a very smart man but his methods of teaching are non-existent. He'll sit in front of the class two days a week and lecture while the rest of the time he lets us do bookwork.

This is basically a self-taught class if you ask me.

Continuing my scan of the room, I spot Lucas with Aiden sitting at the very back of the class. While Lucas was taking a not so subtle nap, Aiden appeared to be the only student in class actually paying attention to today's lecture.

"Prokaryotes are organisms made up of cells that lack a cell nucleus or any membrane-encased organelles. Eukaryotes are organisms made up of cells that possess a membrane-bound nucleus that holds genetic material as well as membrane-bound organelles." Mr.Monroe continued.

Just then the bell finally rang.

Thank god!

My next class was history, and unfortunately Brooke was out sick. She usually made that class a bit more bearable, however, what can you do.

Caroline had also taken a sick day so I was all on my own, including for lunch. Given the whole ordeal with Theo, it came as no surprise that Caroline took a sick day. She was still dealing with her emotions from the fallout with Theo, and the rumors that skanky Veronica spread weren't helping the situation.

When we walked into school on Monday, everyone was staring and whispering. It didn't take long to find out that there was a rumor going on that Theo dumped Caroline for Veronica.

Truth be told, Caroline wasn't handling things too well. She spent all of yesterday crying between periods. And during 8th period, she finally lost it and had a complete mental breakdown on the floor of our English class. Luckily, Mrs. Nguyen took pity on her and let us use her classroom to calm Caroline down.

Taking a seat in my usual spot next to a bunch of posters about World War I somewhere in the middle of the room closest to the wall, I waited for Mrs. O'Conner to start teaching. She was probably in her late twenties with red hair and a thick Irish accent. Despite being one of the strictest teachers at Northside, she was actually one of my favorites. Not only did she know her stuff, but she was genuinely interested in teaching us the material and having us retain it.

Now that meant a lot of homework and exams, but I can honestly say I know the causes of World War I inside out. Hell, I could even repeat them in my sleep.

"Good morning class!" She greeted us. "I'm going to take attendance and then I want you all to split into groups of 3-4 people. Each of you will be assigned a topic and you are to create a visual for presentations on Friday."

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