Chapter 38

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"There is no decision that we can make that doesn't come with some sort of balance or sacrifice." – Simon Sinek


Now that AP exams were finally over, it felt like I could finally breath again.

It's like a dark cloud had been lifted off all the seniors, and even the teachers were smiling more and not assigning us as much homework. There of course were still finals to worry about, but compared to the torturous AP exams, those were a piece of cake.

I was sitting in French class with Caroline while a French movie played on the projector. I think we were watching Emiléfor like the third time this year?

That movie is intense to say the least, and certainly not school appropriate, but Mrs. Laurent knows best.

While Caroline was taking a nap next to me, I was texting Aiden.

Aiden: I missssssss youuuuuuu

Natalie: I miss you too, dork!

Aiden: Are you coming to the game tonight? It's an away game.

Natalie: Probably. I have nothing better to do lol.

And that was the truth – I didn't have anything better to do unless I wanted to get started on studying for finals. Since those were still at least three weeks away, there was no way in hell I was opening another textbook until it was absolutely necessary.

Aiden: Come over tonight after the game? My parents are out of town.

Natalie: Nahhhh.

Aiden: But babeeeeeee.

Natalie: I've got a hot date.

Aiden: Oh yeah? With who this time – Netflix or Hulu?

Natalie: I will have you know I do other stuff besides watch TV!

Aiden: So Netflix?

Natalie: Shut up.

Aiden: You know, I don't think I will. You're going to have to make me ;)

Sometimes I really can't stand him.

Natalie: Gross. Stop being a pervert.

Aiden: You love it.

I mean... maybe sometimes.

I was in the middle of typing out my reply to Aiden when the loud intercom above Mrs. Laurent's desk made the loud popping sound like someone was about to speak. 

"Excuse me, Mrs. Laurent?"

"Yes!" She shouted in reply as she scrambled to pause the movie before the main office heard the moaning noises coming from the film.

"Can you please send Natalie Dawson down to the main office. Mr. Newman would like to speak to her." The voice continued over the intercom.

I wonder who got in tro –

Wait... Did she say Natalie Dawson?

"Natalie?" Mrs. Laurent gave me a smile from behind her desk.

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