Chapter 13

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Day of Mishaps

"When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford


Do you ever just wake up, and immediately know today just isn't going to be your day?

Well, that's how I felt this morning as soon as I threw the covers off and stood up.

I didn't make it very far because as soon as I took one step forward I ended up on the floor in between my tangled blankets.

How the hell did those get there!

Standing up and throwing the blankets back on the bed, I opened the curtains to reveal a gloomy Saturday morning. With no sun in sight, the weather seemed to describe my current state perfectly.

Wait, Saturday?

Picking up my phone from the night stand, my lockscreen did indeed confirm that today was Saturday.

Confused as to why Aiden hadn't woken me up at the crack of dawn, I saw that I had a text from the devil himself.

Aiden: Enjoy sleeping in, Princess.

This boy!

I should be grateful that he didn't wake me up at the crack of dawn again and made me go outside in this weather, yet I somehow found myself missing his company.

God, Natalie! Put those thoughts away. It's not like someone of Aiden stature would even consider you as more than a friend.

Frustrated, I threw my phone back onto the bed and without bothering to look in the mirror at my disheveled state, I made my way into the kitchen to get the coffee maker started.

After making sure to add two extra scoops of coffee than I normally do, I made my way to the bathroom for a quick shower.

Just as I was about to reach for a second towel for my hair, my foot slipped on the slippery tub and I found grasping the towel bar to my right for dear life.

"Son of a bitch!" I shrieked.

Oh, I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.

Taking extra care as to avoid any further unwanted near death experiences in the bathroom, I finally finished blow drying my hair and walked into the kitchen, popping two waffles into the toaster. While waiting for the waffles to come out, I poured myself a nice large cup of coffee.

Nothing a strong cup of coffee can't fix.

Since it was barely 10 am when I finished eating, don't ask me why I was up that early, I thought it might be a good use of my time to run some of the errands I'd been putting off. There were some car insurance papers that needed to be dropped off to our agent because my mother didn't trust email. Again, don't ask.

There was also the matter of groceries. I think we were down to our last poptart and I'm pretty sure the cheese and milk in the fridge were growing furry friends. While my mom and I like to cook on occasion, that doesn't mean we do it often. We mostly live off frozen meals and poptarts.

Making my way back into my room, I walked over to the closet and chose the first pair of jeans my hand fell on. I quickly pulled them on, along with a black t-shirt, my black Parka brown UGGs. Shoving my wallet and those insurance papers into my purse, I made a quick pit stop into the kitchen to grab the trash before locking up.

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