Chapter 18

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Cupcakes and Mistresses

I've never met a problem a proper cupcake couldn't fix." – Sarah Ockle


"I think Aiden's the only one home right now." Ella said as she headed straight towards the kitchen. "Why don't you go see what he's up to. Maybe he'll come join us."

I smirked at her, "I highly doubt it. He may be a distant relative of Einstein's and an amazing soccer player, but your brother and the kitchen don't mix well."

"Einstein and an amazing soccer huh?" She laughed as he eyebrows shot up in response. I just shrugged as I made my way out of the kitchen and towards Aiden's room.

Unfortunately I had become quite familiar with where it was. He had made it a habit on Saturday's, after our workout, to come back to his place. We'd have breakfast, cooked by me of course, and I'd wait for him to shower and change before he took me back home.

I lifted my hand to knock but stopped once I realized this was the perfect opportunity to sneak up on him and scare him - a little payback for the past three months.

I quietly turned the knob on his bedroom and peeked my head in. As I stepped into the room, I saw there was no one in there, but I could hear the shower running. I took the opportunity to sit at the desk and snoop while I waited for him to come out.

I was looking through the various books he had on the bookshelf when I heard the water turn off. I quickly darted across the room and pressed my body against the wall next to the bathroom door.

"Boo!" I yelled as I saw Aiden step into the room wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was dripping and all I could do was stare as water droplets made their way down his toned chest and towards his....

"Natalie?" He questioned when he heard my voice. Well, that certainly didn't have the effect I wanted. Before I could reply to him, someone else stepped out from behind him.

Wearing nothing but one of Aiden's shirts, with her long brown hair dripping wet from the shower, was none other than Victoria Sanders. I stared blankly between her and Aiden before my brain processed the scene in front of me.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed as I quickly averted my gaze from both of their surprised stares. "I am so sorry! Ella sent me up here to see if you wanted to come bake cupcakes with us."

Once I said it out loud, I realized just how stupid that sounded and it only made my cheeks burn harder. They probably think I'm some crazy stalker now. I mean who the hell just hangs out in a guys bedroom like that?

"I'll just.. um.. be going now. " I stammered as I turned around and bolted for the door. But not before shouting another apology on my way out as I slammed Aiden's bedroom shut. "Again, I am soooo sorry!"

Good job Natalie, I scolded myself. This is why you knock before entering a room, and if nobody answers then you go and mind your own damn business.

I don't think I'll ever be able to get the image of Victoria half naked out of my mind. Let alone Aiden's well-toned chest which made me just want to - wait! Calm down Natalie. You've seen guys naked before.

My inner battle was interrupted by Ella. I didn't even realize I had made it downstairs and into the kitchen already. "Are you okay Natalie? You look a little flushed."

"Yup!" I squeaked. " Never been better."

I decided to join her in gathering all of the ingredients we would need for the cupcakes. The faster those were done, the faster I could get the hell out of here. It wasn't easy since I didn't know where most of the things were, but with some help from Ella, we finally had everything scattered on the kitchen island.

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