Chapter 19

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Dare Night

"Everything you want is on the other side of fear." – Jack Canfield


You would think that seeing Aiden half naked with another girl would put a damper in our friendship, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

When I got home that night, I called both Caroline and Brooke and told them what I walked in on. I think it's safe to say that they were both angrier about it than I was.

Sure, I was a little butt-hurt at first, but I think it was more from the shock of the whole thing. After spending a romantic weekend with Ben & Jerry's and The Crown, I also came to the realization Aiden and I were, and never will be, anything more than friends.

When I saw Aiden at school the next day, it was as if nothing had happened, and we both went on with our lives.

In fact, the two of us were spending more and more time together than ever before.

As Thanksgiving came and went, so did the creeping deadline for college applications. It was my goal to have them completed before December 18th when our Winter break started because I wanted nothing more than to have a break from anything school related for two weeks.

Christmas was also my favorite holiday and I would be damned if it was going to be ruined because I had to sit in front of a computer and tell whatever university I was applying to why I think I belonged there.

And don't even get me started on the need to write 500+ words on what you have to offer them. My charming fucking personality, that's what.

Mr. Evans, our Calculus teacher who everyone was convinced was dating Ms. O'Conner, had decided to give an end of the chapter exam on Monday so here I was, once again spending my weekends at Aiden's house.

This time, I trying to figure out why the hell I will ever needed to know how to calculate the velocity of a fucking balloon.

"So, to find the rate at which the shadow of the sandbag is traveling along the ground when the sandbag is at a height of 35 meters, you need to use the position function to calculate the value for t at 35 meters." Aiden said from above me.

We were currently in his room, he was sprawled out on his bed and I was sitting on the floor ready to give up on life after four hours of Calculus review problems.

"Then use the first derivative of the position function to determine the velocity of the falling object at the time t." He continued. I was attempting to write all of this down so I could study it later, but his words just went over my head.

"After that, use the tangent function to calculate the x – which in this case is shadow's path when y – the altitude of the sandbag is 35 meters. The last step is to –"

"Nope!" I interrupted him before he could go any further. "Stop right there."

"I literally got none of that." I let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'll start from the beginning." He replied, as he leaned over the edge of his bed to face me.

"Oh no you won't!" I quickly stopped him before he could utter another word about velocity and position, and whatever other crap this problem required. "I am done for today. If I'm meant to fail that test on Monday, oh well. I could always drop out and become an escort." Why not a stripper you might ask, because I like to keep it classy.

Of course I wasn't serious about dropping out of school, but desperate times call for desperate exaggerations.

"While I don't doubt your ability to make a killer living off taking your clothes off," Aiden smirked. "We both know you're not serious."

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