Chapter 10

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A/N: Before reading this chapter, please keep in mind that this chapter will discuss mature themes that may be triggering to some. In addition, I do not in any way, shape, or form condone the unauthorized filming of ANY INDIVIDUALS. If you are ever in a situation in which you are the victim of bullying, speak to an adult.

Nutella and Netflix

"One man can make a difference and every man should try" – Jackie Kennedy



"Ugh!" I rolled over onto my pillow.

I hate mornings, with a burning passion. I will never understand how people willingly get up at the crack of dawn to just do things.

Glancing at my alarm clock, I saw the flashing of 6:32 am.

God, just kill me please. I would do anything for another hour of sleep right now. Last night I stayed up way too late writing a stupid history paper, and now I was seriously regretting it.

Jumping out of bed, I opened the curtains and saw the beginnings of the sunrise.

By the time I was done with my morning routine, mom had already left for work. She left a pot of fresh coffee and some scrambled eggs with bacon and toast on the counter for me.

Bless her heart!

Sometime I think I don't give her enough credit for all she does for me. For as long as I can remember, it's just been the two if us. My parents split up when I was four, and after a while, my dad just kind of stopped coming around. I never made an effort to find him as I grew older because it was clear he didn't want to be a part of my life.

Sometimes, it hurt but eventually you get used to it. At the end of the day, you can't miss someone you don't remember.


Once I got to school, I pulled into the first available spot I saw- fortunately it was pretty close to the school's entrance.

As soon as I stepped out of my car, I noticed people begin to stare.


Maybe there was there something on my face? Did I forget to wipe a smudge of toothpaste off? It's not like it would be the first time.

I chose to ignore the stares as I made my way towards my locker, but it was getting harder and harder as heads turned the moment I walked past them. Some people had even begun to whisper.

As soon as I saw Brooke and Caroline by my locker, I quickly made my way over to them. The two of them appeared to be in the middle of a heated hush-hush argument. As soon as Brooke saw me, she nudged Caroline and the two of them went quiet. Strange.

"Okay, is there something on my face?" I asked exasperatedly. "Everyone is fucking staring at me today."

"Natalie!" Caroline shrieked. I shot her a confused look. 

"Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Judging by the guilty look on both of their faces, they knew exactly why everyone was so interested in me today.

Slamming her locker shut, Caroline grabbed my arm. "Let's get out of here. Who needs education? Skipping school once in a while never hurt anyone"

Yanking my arm free from her grasp, "Caroline, what the fuck?"

"Hey Natalie!" I heard someone yell my name. When I turned around I saw it was one of the basketball player. Marcus, I think? "What are you doing after school? Maybe you could show me just how flexible you are!"

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