Chapter 56 - Emma

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We arrived at Mateo's place not long after we'd gotten into the car. The drive had been short—way too short—but also way too long. My mind couldn't decide if it was more nervous or more excited about what was going to happen.

As soon as we walked into the house, Mateo's demeanor changed. He wasn't the sweet guy I'd come to know but seemed sterner and more commanding.

Goosebumps appeared on my arms like I could feel the change in the air. It stirred something in me, that part of me that wished—needed more than anything—to submit.

"Follow me." His voice had lost the gentle tone of his and instead came out harsher, deeper than usual.

Swallowing nervously, because, of course, my mind had decided to let the nerves win, I trailed behind him. He'd given me the house tour the last time I was here, which contained two guest bedrooms and two bathrooms along with the kitchen and living room. But, there was one place he hadn't shown me. A door he'd said I would see later, and I guess later was now.

We stayed on the first floor and went past the kitchen and living room before turning down the hall. He unlocked the door and motioned for me to walk inside.

I hesitated slightly, even though I already knew I would do it.

He turned on the lights as he entered the room behind me, leaving me blinking at what I saw. The room was about the same size as the one at the club but looked completely different. Instead of a black and red theme, he'd gone for dark navy and dark brown. He had a couple of led lights on the ceiling, which lit up the room just enough for it to still be sensual without it brightening up the place too much.

Taking a couple more steps inside, I turned in a circle, taking it all in. Mateo had similar equipment to the one at the club, like the bed, St. Andrews cross, pedestal, and others I couldn't name. What I could guess was a sex swing hanging from the ceiling, and my southern parts tingled at the image my mind conjured up. I hoped we would test it out sometime in the near future.

"What's that?" I nodded towards a piece of intriguing-looking furniture. It was hard to explain what it looked like. It looked like it was a bench of some sort. It had five parts; one that was wider and higher up than the rest, one on both sides of it that was further down, and another two at the back of it—they were all dressed in black leather.

"It's a spanking bench," Mateo answered, his voice gruffer than usual.

Oh...well, that would be fun to test out too.

"Come here," he commanded after I'd gone through the items in the room.

I went to him with a hammering heart. My hands had grown clammy since we arrived at his house. While I knew some about training, there was a lot I didn't know.

"We'll begin your training now. Strip." His eyes were hot on my body as I toed off my sneakers and slid the dress off my body. The bra and panties went off next, leaving me completely exposed. Goosebumps appeared along my skin, pricking from his intense gaze.

Even though I was still insecure about my body, I was already noticing how much easier it had gotten to be naked with them. It was strange how fast that had happened, but I was thankful for it, nevertheless. Maybe it was the fact that they'd seen every crook and cranny of me that made me more relaxed. I mean, if they hadn't kicked me to the curb already, there must've been something they'd liked...right?

"Good. Now kneel on the floor." Mateo looked pleased with how I was taking his orders, and I found that his praise made my heart feel warmer.

My knees sank into a soft carpet, and I waited for his next command.

"Kneel all the way down, so the back of your thighs rests on your legs," he directed. "Yes, just like that. Spread your knees as much as you can. That's perfect. Arch your back and push your chest out."

I did as he'd instructed.

"More...there. Here's a hair tie." Mateo offered one to me, and I accepted. "Unless I tell you otherwise, I want your hair braided and out of the way."

Nodding once, I did a quick braid. "Is this okay?" I asked. My voice was almost unrecognizable; it was softer—milder than what I was used to. It seemed Mateo's demeanor wasn't the only one that changed.

"It's perfect." Mateo smiled. "So, now I want you to bring your hands behind your back and hold onto one of your wrists with one hand. Good girl," he crooned. "Lastly, look down at the floor."

This position made me feel...fuck, I didn't know what. It was almost freeing in a way. I'd longed for something like this for so long that now that I was here, I was happy. I was surrendering, to his commands, his him.

"Remember this pose. This is how I want you to present when I tell you to. Callan and Gideon prefer this one as well, so when they tell you to present, you kneel just like you're doing now."

Mateo came closer until he was standing right in front of me. "You should see yourself now, Gorgeous. You are absolutely breathtaking," he complimented me, making my heart do a happy dance.

He stepped away from me, and a few seconds later a sound, like a match being lit, filled the room. My ears strained to locate where he was and when he was moving.

"Keep holding this pose. I'll be right back." He stepped away from me and exited the door.

What the hell? How could he walk away so easily, as if I weren't currently kneeling naked for him? Shame burned in my chest as thoughts of what I'd done wrong hunted my mind.

Had I done anything wrong? I'd done precisely as he'd asked and he'd praised me for it... ugh, my brain was working on high gear trying to figure out why he'd gone away. Why hadn't he said what he was going to do?

As I waited, the smell of lavender spread through the air. I inhaled deeply, letting the scent fill my nose. It had a calming effect, I realized. My mind calmed slowly but steadily, as did my pulse.

After approximately ten minutes, my groin burned with the stretch of my spread knees, and my hands had gotten clammier—if that was even possible.

The weird thing about this all was...I could feel myself getting more and more turned on as time passed—the anticipation of what would happen next made my breath hitch and my heart pound. The shame of him walking out on me took a backseat as I thought about what other plans he might have...I was eager to find out. 

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