Chapter 36 - Mateo

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Emma was still breathing heavily as she came down from the bliss of an orgasm. I hadn't taken time to take off her shirt, and I regretted that now that I saw how enticingly her breasts moved underneath the material. It should've been a sin to cover them up.

Laying down beside her, on my back, I gathered her in my arms once again. She placed her head on my chest and sighed happily.

"You okay?" I asked after she calmed down.

"I'm perfect." I could feel her smile against my skin, and damn if that did some weird things to my heart.

This, right here, was alien to me. While Emma was new to the BDSM scene, lying in bed and cuddle was new to me. I mean, I always suspected I would be into it, but I'd never found someone I wanted to test it out with. Cozying up to someone like this was calming.

A buzzing sound came from the nightstand on Emma's side, but she made no move to get it. After the third buzz, I urged her to see who it was. "You should probably check your phone, Gorgeous."

"Yeah." She reached for it on the nightstand and then came right back to me with the phone in her hand. "It's probably just Kevin wondering how good the sex was," she joked as she unlocked the phone.

Looking up at me, she laughed at my surprise. "If you knew him, you wouldn't have been surprised. And look at that—" She showed me the texts from her friend.

So, how was it??? Did you get some D?

Giiirl, are you too satisfied to get your phone? Text me.

You better not be murdered. I don't want to be stuck with Oliver at work. Text me! Scratch that, call me instead. Xoxoxoxo

Chuckling at the guy's messages, I asked, "Who's Oliver?"

"Ugh, this guy who works at the café. He's a jerk."

"Give Kevin a call. I'm going to take a shower while you talk to him." I slid out of bed reluctantly. Winking at her on my way to the bathroom, I added, "You're welcome to join when you're done."

She waved me off, her cheeks flushed red.

Once in the shower, I jerked off quietly to the image of Emma. I didn't even have to envision her naked to get me off; just her face would do it.

Sadly, by the time I was done, Emma was still on the phone with her friend. I could hear her laughing while she assured him that she was okay.

Walking out of the bathroom, I went to my closet and searched for boxers and pants. While I looked at her in my peripheral vision, I dropped my towel and stood in all my naked glory.

I suppressed a smirk as I noticed I had her full attention.

"Huh? I didn't catch that," Emma muttered into the phone, her eyes still on me. She licked her lips as her gaze went from my chest to my dick, and that motherfucker hardened even though I'd come a few minutes ago.

"Like what you see?" I teased, unable to help myself as her mouth dropped open at the size of my length.

Her mouth closed as soon as she learned I was looking at her, the blush ever so present.

After I got dressed in sweatpants, I turned fully towards her. "I'll start making breakfast. Do you have any allergies?"

"I don't have any allergies," she smiled sweetly. "I'm just going to finish up with this conversation," she indicated her phone, "and take a quick shower before I get down. Is that okay?"

"Of course, Gorgeous. There's clothes in my dresser, take whatever you need."

When I got outside the bedroom, I heard Emma continuing to talk to Kevin. I might have paused before walking downstairs, too curious to hear if she had anything to say about me.

"Yes, that was him. Yes, I had a great time. No, we didn't sleep together, technically," Emma laughed. She sounded happy, and my heart warmed that I might be one of the reasons for it.

I wasn't the best cook, having grown up with personal chefs, but I was doable in the kitchen. At least, I could make scrambled eggs and cook some sausages. Gideon, however, was the real cook in our friend group. Though he didn't show his skill often.

My kitchen was bright, with a lot of white elements mixed with brown oak. I've never been a fan of dark and gloomy colors. The room wasn't huge but had just enough space to not be crowded if I had a few guests. I didn't have a dining room separated from the kitchen either, preferring to have it all in the same place.

Humming under my breath, I collected everything I would need to make breakfast; eggs, butter, milk, seasoning, and sausages.

Having Emma here and have her spend the night made me aware of how much I'd longed for something like this. The thought of letting her go... yeah, I didn't want to think about that.

We'd agreed with her that we would help her find a dom, and we would honor that, even if we didn't want to.

Emma came down when I was finishing up.

"It smells delicious," she said as she went to stand by the kitchen window. Her eyes were roaming the room, taking in all the natural light coming in from the big windows. She was fidgeting with the hem of the same white tee shirt she borrowed yesterday.

Now that we were standing in the light of the morning sun, it looked like she was going back to the same shy self. I didn't mind it, knowing it wouldn't always be like this. Hell, we hadn't known each other for long enough for her to be a hundred percent comfortable around us.

"You can just sit down. It's done soon. What do you want to drink?" I let the sausages cook at low temperatures while I opened the fridge. Looking at the well-stocked shelves with basically anything anyone could want.

"Do you have orange juice?" She asked, and I grabbed the carton along with some apple juice for me and placed them both on the table.

Setting the table, I served us both a healthy portion of the food.

"Thank you, this is one of the best breakfasts I've had since I moved to the city," she gushed, taking a mouthful of the scrambled eggs.

That didn't say less about my cooking skills and more about how hard it was to get decent food while being a student in NYC. I didn't like that, not at all. Emma deserved more than that. If she was impressed with this, I wondered what she usually had.

"Glad you like it," I smiled and took a bite of my own food. It tasted better than ever, and part of me knew it was because of the company.

We made small talk over the table and enjoyed the morning together. I wanted to have her here with me all day, and the thought shocked me. But, as much as I wanted to, I didn't want to overwhelm her either.

"Did Callan send the list to you?" I asked when Emma was done eating; I had finished my plate way before her, but then again, I usually inhaled my food because I eat so fast.

"I haven't checked." Her gaze went immediately to her phone, curiosity in her eyes. Something told me she couldn't wait to read it.

Emma was so sweet and wholesome and was often easy to read, except when it came to her sexual urgings. It was like she had buried it so far inside her, keeping it from the world—and possibly herself—for so long that it became second nature to hide it.

I, for one, was excited to find out about her deepest desires and be the one to give them to her.

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