Chapter 25 - Emma

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"H-how?" I stammered as I looked at Callan. I was still shocked after what I'd let happen in the viewing room. It felt like I hadn't had control over my body—as if it had a life of its own. And now... now he wanted us to help each other out? And in what way did he mean we could help each other?

Mateo leaned back in his seat, letting Callan take the reins.

"Do you know what we are?" Callan asked casually, taking a sip of his drink. His eyes never left mine.

Claire had mentioned what they were, so I nodded. When they didn't say anything in return, I knew they wanted me to spell it out loud.

"Masters," I gulped as I said it; the word was both alien and intimidating. My gaze snagged on Gideon's impassive face. I hadn't gotten a good read on him, and by that, I meant not at all. He was currently drinking straight whisky when I would've guessed his drink of choice was cognac—I almost never guessed wrong.

Gideon hadn't said more than four words, but what I heard made me ached to listen to him talk even more. There was just something intoxicating about his voice—special, like every word counted, and only a selected few got to hear him.

"I want to make a proposition. You can absolutely say no, and there will be no hard feelings, but we're hoping you'll say yes," Callan continued, dragging my eyes back to him.

My brows furrowed as I took in what he'd said. What did he mean we?

"Where are you going with this?" I asked as I took a big sip of my drink, nervous about the answer to my question. My palms were clammy against the cold glass, and I had to wipe my hands on my thighs when I let go of the drink.

"Well, the thing is, Bella, that you're looking for a dom, and we're searching for a slave. Obviously, you're not a slave?" The question was rhetorical, but I still shook my head in response. "Would you consider taking us as your dominants until either we find our slave, or you find your dom?"

Oh. My. God. I was pretty sure I heard that wrong. He couldn't possibly have said that. One look at each of the men, and I knew he had.

He couldn't be talking about all of them—the three of them, was he? Then I remembered what Claire had said, that they were searching for one slave, and I'd wondered if it was one for each or one for all of them...

Holy fuck.


Oh, my freaking god.

"Breath, Gorgeous," Mateo whispered in my ear and grabbed my hand, stroking the back of it with his thumb. "If this isn't what you want, you can say no."

My first reaction was to do just that, but... something held me back. I licked my bottom lip, staring at them with wide eyes. "If..." I swallowed, not sure where I was going with this. "If I agree, would you try to help me find a dom suited for me in the meantime?" What the hell was I saying? If I agreed? I couldn't seriously be contemplating this.

"Yes, of course," Mateo assured me. "It can take a while to find someone who you have chemistry with and who you trust, but we'll try our best. Right, guys?" Callan—and even Gideon—nodded.

"But in the meantime, I would be your submissive? All of yours?" I was having a stroke; that had to be it. Nothing else made sense. I wasn't really considering Callan's proposition... was I?

"Yes, all of ours," Callan said resolutely.

Shit, they were serious about this.

Fuck, why was I even mulling it over?

Crap, there's three of them and one of me. How would that even work?

Damn, they were the hottest men I'd met, and they wanted me.

Hell—yeah, that was it, I'd run out of swear words. Nope, I had one more—HOLY SHIT, this was insane.

"Why me?" Why did they choose me when there were so many other beautiful women to choose from? I couldn't comprehend it. Was it that I was available and within reach? No, it couldn't be that. Claire said they were the pickiest men she knew, and even though they didn't ask for me to be their slave, they still wanted to be with me. Make that make sense.

"Can't you feel the connection between us? The tension?" Mateo asked, my hand still in his. He brought it up to his lips and kissed the back of it, making me aware of the delicious tingling feeling coming from every place on my hand where his skin touched mine.

"Yes," I whispered, shuddering at the memory of what they had done to me only an hour ago. I knew I felt the electricity with Callan and Mateo, but Gideon? Did he even want me at all?

"What about you? Is this what you want?" I looked at Gideon directly, meeting his eyes, and tried not to flinch at the darkness staring back at me.

Please, say something, I urged him, but he surprised the hell out of me. Instead of talking, he grabbed me by the hips and hauled me into his lap. Before I could even blink, his mouth crashed with mine.

It happened so fast, but damn, he could kiss. His lips were rough against my soft ones, and that combination made my head spin. I could feel his tongue lick at my seam, demanding access, and I was incapable of denying him.

Our tongues danced their erotic dance, and my already wet panties grew even more soaked.

Gideon dominated me with his kiss, controlling the tempo, the passion, everything, and I was happy to let him.

His cock pressed against my core, and I couldn't help myself when I started grinding on him a little. Even covered by his pantsuit, I could feel it was massive. How would that feel inside me? Would it stretch me to the point of hurt or give me a delicious ache?

Before I could get really into it, he wrenched his mouth away and pushed me off his lap. Both of us were breathing heavily, and I could see the hunger in his eyes as he took in my swollen lips caused by him. Dropping my eyes to his hard-on, I saw a wet spot from where I'd grind on him. It should've made me embarrassed, but instead, it just made me hot and bothered.

"I guess that answered your question, Gorgeous," Mateo joked, bringing a slight smile from my mouth and denying me the chance to shy away once more.

"Can I get a few days to think about it?" I answered when my breathing had calmed down even as my pussy still clenched in bitter desperation.

"Take as much time as you want, Bella," Callan said and sent me a wink.

There was one thing I knew for sure—if I said yes, I would be in for a wild ride. I just didn't know if it would be the good kind of wild or the bad kind.

Yes, Sirs (Book 1 of Desire's Den)Where stories live. Discover now