Chapter 60 - Emma

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Mateo untied the silk rope and placed my arms gently on my sides. It hurt a little when he moved them, but not enough for me to complain.

"I'll be right back," he said and kissed my forehead tenderly. I nodded to let him know I'd heard him; my mouth was too dry to form any words besides an "okay."

He didn't take long like he'd promised. He came in carrying a small towel and two bottles of some pink liquid. He was still glorious naked, and was the hell could he already be hard again? Unless...unless he hadn't gotten soft in the first place.

"Drink this. It's vitamin water with electrolytes. You need it. I'd prefer it if you drank it all before we go to bed," Mateo explained. I happily accepted the bottle after he'd taken off the cap; he'd really made me work up a thirst. Another bonus was that it tasted good, like some kind of fruit I couldn't name.

While I drank, Mateo spread my knees and wiped me with the towel between my legs. If I would guess, I was all kinds of messy down there. For the moment, I was too exhausted to be embarrassed, or maybe I'd simply gotten used to being naked around him. I mean, he had been eating me out and then fucked me—I would say he was pretty clear on what I looked like down there.

"Could you hold on to my bottle as well? I'll carry you to my room," he said and gave the other bottle to me.

"I can walk," I objected; my voice came out tired and hoarse.

"If you can walk, I haven't done a good enough job of fucking you."

Ignoring him because I didn't want to risk getting turned on when I was this tired, I sat up in bed and scooted to the edge. Mateo stepped back and made room for me. He looked amused as I placed both my legs on the floor and tried to get up—tried being the keyword. I was too damn proud for my own good.

Before I could stumble back to bed, he had me up in his arms, making me dizzy at the sudden movement.

Truth be told, I had no idea how he managed to walk, let alone carry me as well down the hall and up the stairs towards his bedroom.

"I... uh," I said as he opened the door to his room. "I need to use the bathroom," I admitted. That orgasm had blasted through my body, and now I really needed to pee. I wondered if anyone else had the same urge after coming. Still, it was also useful for hindering urinary infection after sex.

"Of course. Here, put the bottles down on the nightstand, and I'll carry you in," Mateo said it so casually like we were talking about the weather.

He helped me to the bathroom and lowered me so I could stand on the floor. "Call for me if you need me."

I nodded, but I was pretty sure I could do my deed and get back to bed on my own.

While I was there, I brushed my teeth. I couldn't for the life of me fall asleep knowing I hadn't brushed them. I also wanted to keep the morning breath to the minimum, yuck.

Staggering slightly as I walked, I made it to his bed and fell on it with a content sigh. I could probably sleep the entire day away tomorrow if I wanted to, which reminded me, "Where's my phone? I need to set the alarm for tomorrow morning."

"I forgot it in the playroom. Do you need it now, or does my alarm suffice?" He'd started towards the bathroom but stopped when I'd asked about my phone.

"No, it's okay. Can you set the alarm to six-thirty?" I yawned as I spoke. Shit, it would be tough waking up tomorrow. Even though it wasn't that late, my energy had depleted dramatically.

"Of course. Drink up the water. It'll help," Mateo smiled and walked away. I might have gotten a good view of his delicious ass before the door closed between us.

My bottle was empty by the time he came back, though it hadn't tasted as good as earlier after I'd brushed my teeth. Still, I trusted him to know what would be good for me.

Mateo laid down on his side of the bed and—wait...had we already established sides? It seemed like that was precisely what we'd done. Mine was on the left by the window, and he was on the right by the bedroom door.

He put his arm around my stomach and hauled me against him, back to chest. I'd never realized how much of a cuddler I was until I met the guys—it was nice, being spooned by someone bigger than me and be in their embrace. I felt safe; protected.

With the rhythm of his breathing and the feeling of his chest move, it didn't take long before I fell off to sleep.

I was in a dark lit room. It was familiar, but it took me a second to place where I was: the club's dungeon. Three men were surrounding me—circling me, while I stood in the middle, held captive by their authority.

Mateo, Callan, and Gideon, I would've recognized them everywhere, even in the darkness of the room I was in. They were predatory in the way they looked at me. Their gaze were filled with sin and dark promises.

A smile rested on Mateo's face; it wasn't sweet like his smile usually were, but cocky. This was the side of him that was purely dominant and not the carefree guy who would joke and laugh with me.

Callan was wearing a white shirt, rolled up at the sleeves. His expression was passive, but I could see the smirk he resting easily on his lips.

I wasn't surprised when I saw Gideon; he looked just as angry as ever. His jaw was clenched, and his eyes slightly narrowed as they trailed down my body.

The cold air in the room made me aware of how naked I was. Goosebumps appeared on my skin and making my nipples harden, but it wasn't only because of the temperature.

"Present for us," Callan commanded with the silky-smooth voice of his.

Lowering myself down on my knees, I spread them as far as I could and rested my hands on my thighs—palms up. I remembered to arch my back, pushing my breasts out.

They looked pleased with my pose, which in turn pleased me. Lastly, I looked down.

I didn't know how it happened, but suddenly, I was on the bed. Gideon had his full attention on my boobs; kneading, kissing, and nibbling them. He was all rough, and I loved it.

Mateo was between my legs, eating my pussy. He sucked my clit, adding a little bit of pressure with his teeth—just enough to feel a hint of pain with the pleasure. I was getting close. My clit throbbed in Mateo's mouth. Just a little bit more...

A hand gripped my throat, bringing my attention to Callan lying on my right. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Do you like having three men worshipping you?"

"Yes, Sir," I answered, my voice hoarse from how tight he held my throat.

"Not Sir, Bella. Call me Master. That's what you really want, isn't it? To be our pet, under our full control. You just won't admit it to yourself."

I shook my head as much as his hand allowed. "That's not true," I protested. "I don't want to be a slave­."

"No? Then why are you dreaming about it then?"


I cried out when two fingers were thrust into my pussy. They curled to hit just the right spot. My inner walls squeezed them tightly as I came, bringing me awake to bliss.

"Good morning, Gorgeous," Mateo kissed my clit one last time before he moved to lay by my side.

Yes, Sirs (Book 1 of Desire's Den)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz